Pizza Rat

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Derrick and Rita left to go get the pizza leaving me in charge.

"Diaper! Put the knife away you could hurt someone! Wade stop climbing up the curtains!" I demanded. They ignored me of course. As for Rodney I had no clue where in the house he was and wouldn't until the pizza showed up.

I stood with my hand over my eyes trying to think of a plan to just get out of here when I heard a loud thud and an 'ow'.

My brother Wade laid sprawled on the carpet. The curtain that was previously hanging from the window lay in a pile on the floor not far from him. "Told you." I snorted.

Just then Rita came through the door with Derrick and the pizza behind her. She saw Wade with the curtain on the ground. She looked at me with disappointment and said "why didn't you stop him?"

"You think I can control these nutsoids?! You can't even control them!" I shot back.

"Hey!" Rita snapped. "Cool it!"

"Whatever this place sucks." I huffed heading for mine and Wade's shared bedroom.

"Watch it young lady. You maybe miss big girl but I'm bigger than you!" Rita called after me.

I shook my head and slammed my door shut. This was always happening me getting blamed for my brothers causing problems because I'm the girl and the smart one. I was tired of it. So I decided screw it. I'm going to leave.

I changed into my pajamas and packed some of the clothes I had been gifted from Sue (most of her stuff was childish but if I styled and altered it just right it wasn't so bad) along with some deodorant and a toothbrush into my back pack.

I walked into the kitchen grabbed a slice of pizza scarfed it down while everyone stared at me in silence. When I finished I said nothing just went back to my room.

I opened my window threw the back pack out and then climbed out myself. I booked it over to the Heck's and let myself in.

"Oh, Maxine! I didn't know you were coming over tonight." Smiled Frankie.

"Sorry, Mrs. Heck." I shrugged. "It was kind of an emergency."

"Are you okay?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. Just needed out of there. Sorry again." I waved as I walked towards Sue's bedroom.

Tears threatened to spill the closer I got to Sue's room and the last thing I needed was to run into Axl, but who do you think happened to open his door the moment I entered the hallway.

"Hey?" Darrin smiled. "Thought you weren't coming over."

"I wasn't. Just problems." My hands flew up in explanation. "You know."

"Want me to get Axl and go kick some butt?" Darrin asked.

"Who's butt are we kicking?" I heard Axl's voice come from inside his and Brick's bedroom. Then the door opened a bit wider revealing those brown curls, bright blue eyes and sweet smile. "Everything okay, Max?"

"Um... Yeah." My voice cracked and a small tear escaped the corner of my eye. "I just need some girl time so I'm heading in there."

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