Part 1 // Chap. 20: The End

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The return of Adventure Bay is almost here. Ace Sorensen, who became the new mayor appointed by Ryder, made the town look like the town of Goodway.
The name of the city also changed, it was Adventure City Center and it's back to Adventure Bay.
Farmers Al and Yumi have taken their farms back, and the airport moved further away, where Foggy Bottom is. The roads were narrowed down and the large office buildings were transformed into health and cultural places: Hospital, clinic, museum, restaurant.
The beach has been re-opened for turtles to lay their eggs upon arrival.
All of this is done, but there is one thing left. Without this thing, Adventure Bay is not Adventure Bay. And that thing is the PAW Patrol.

Ryder, admittedly, brought in some new pups so that the old members could train the new ones. Among them is Sunny. This little Chihuaha fan of Skye.
One thing is certain for Ryder, the PAW Patrol can no longer revert to the PAW Patrol from before. And the lives of former members are not yet over. There are those like Rubble and Zuma who no longer want to work and who only want to eat and watch TV all day without paying for accommodation.
And there are those like Chase, Skye, Marshall and Everest, who believe that work is life.

Rocky, he's different. He doesn't work, he lives with his family far from polluting cities. But these last days, Rocky looks different, his wife Stella, no longer answers the phone.
This is maybe Rocky's last day at Adventure Bay.

Ryder: Rocky, I was just wondering if Stella and your baby can live here?

Rocky: I would think about it. But I really have to go, Ryder. I will come back.

Rocky is the father of a family. He has a duty: to protect his family from the enemies that Stella had before.

While some have grown up and totally changed like Rocky, others remain exactly the same. A handsome and elegant appearance, perhaps, but still a pup spirit. This is the case with Chase and Skye. They love each other but impossible to get them to admit it. Chase, however, has decided to tell Skye how he feels. His heart wants it but his mind doesn't, a mind that is afraid of being rejected.

Evening is approaching. And for a German Shepherd like Chase, a romantic time is definitely on the beach watching the sunset.
The German Shepherd vividly remembers Skye's response a few hours ago: "Aww thank you Chase, for the beach invitation. I will come! And ... as we will be leaving soon, we need to spend a lot of time together."

Marshall does not plan to stay with Ryder, on the contrary, he will follow Chase and Skye and he will be inspired by Chase's methods to confess to Everest.

It's time to leave, and Skye, in a pink doggie skirt, is already at the exit door waiting for Chase.
Chase, noticing her, gives her a compliment.

Chase: I never understood the fashion for clothes that change all the time, but this skirt looks great on you!

Skye says nothing. She just blushes while watching the clock turn. The cockapoo and the German Shepherd come out of Ryder and Katie's beautiful house, and they head for the beach. Along the way, they pass by the cemetery where the beloved Goodway is buried.
Chase takes a look at the graveyard, and begins to speak.

Chase: Wait here for me, I'll be back.

Chase enters the graveyard and walks to Mrs. Goodway's grave. He lets a tear run down his cheek, and starts talking loudly.

Chase: I don't know who created this universe and who decided to take Ma'am Goodway's life, but I want everything that Ma'am Goodway wished to be true, I want everything she wanted to come true!

Behind him, a poor, weak female voice echoed in his ears.

Skye: Chase? The sun is about to set.

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