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This one-shot was inspired by @HeyHayGirl who said I should make a story on the picture above and that got some inspiration flowing. 

Disclaimer, I do not own the art or the characters 

Anyways onto the story :)

A vacation was long overdue for the bat family. 

The only problem is the bat family turned into the bat boys and nothing good ever comes when they are alone. 

Bruce refused to leave claiming "Gotham would burn the second I step foot out of the city."  And of course if Bruce was staying, so was Alfred. Now the only thing left to do was decide where to go. 

"Lets go to a beach," Tim said. "We can kick back and relax."

"Tt, sounds boring."

"Nah, what we need is a city with entertainment," Jason said.

"Fool we live in a city." Damian replied rolling his eyes.

"Well then smart mouth what's your suggestion?" Jason shot back.

"Simple I know a mountain that we can hike up-"

"Let me stop you there short stack, this already sounds like too much work." Jason said leaning back in his chair as Damian looked like he was ready to kill him.

"I have the perfect idea!" Dick yelled before a fight could break out. 

"Lets' hear it then"

"Nope," He said smiling. "Its a surprise but let me say its going to be magical." 

"Oh, its Disney World isn't it?" Tim said right away.

"Way to ruin the surprise! Couldn't you have pretended to not know." Dick said pouting. "Anyways its already been decided, no getting out of it."

"I guess it wont be too bad." Jason said sighing and with that they were off to Disney. 

~time skip because author was lazy but there was definitely chaos at the airport because Bruce refused to lend them his private jet after they destroyed the first one~

"We finally made it!" Dick cheered as they entered the park.

Dick took the lead with Jason hanging around the back staring at a headband with Mikey ears on it. 

Jason would never admit it out loud but he loved Disney movies, they always had a way of calming him after a stressful night on patrol or after a nightmare. So after a moment of hesitation he bought them and put them on. 

"I'm going to get us some churros then we can hit the rides." Dick said walking off. 

"Drake what is that weird mouse walking towards us?" Damian asked Tim.

"Oh right, you never had a real childhood, that's Mickey. Basically Disney's mascot." Tim said then yawned, tired after a long flight.

Mickey walked up waving and got next to Damian for a picture, unfortunately Damian took that as a threat. 

"Imbecile, get your hands off me." Damian jumped back into a fighting position but Mickey didn't back down he was determined to give them a picture.

"Alright, got the churros! so why don't we got to th- Damian!?!?!" Dick exclaimed. "Hey Jay can you help me out a bit with Damian over there and our good ol' pal Mickey?"

"Ugg with the brat? Well if you say so..." Jason was now annoyed because he was just about to get a Buzz Lightyear action figure. Walking behind Damian he was determined to finish this quickly and pulled out his guns that Dick told him to leave at home.

At the same time Damian pulled out his knives that were also supposed to be at home. 

"That's not what I meant!" Dick shouted as the fight broke out.

Mickey was holding his own as he punched them in the face and they in turn ripped out part of his ear. Dick thrusted the churros to Tim who sat on a bench, munching on the churro, watching the fight play out. It took all of Dick's strength to separate them, but damage had been done. 

Dragging the three of them over then waking up a sleeping Tim he said, "we are taking one photo so behave!" 

Walking up to a passerby Dick asked with a smile, "Could you please take our photo?"

"Of course." They said then were horrified at the state the rest of them were in. "Say, um cheese?" 

Dick had to hold Damian from doing anything and kept an eye on Jason, to make sure he didn't throw another punch.


Dick dragged them away as soon as he got the photo and the whole time they were giving Mickey death eyes and he was pounding his fist.

"Sign the photo, we're sending this home." 

They each took turns writing a massage on it,

"Father, it was a draw." -Damian

"Dami's 1st time here! You + Alfred w/ us next  trip, y/y?" -Dick

"Mickey doesn't screw around!!" -J.T.

"No words" -Tim


Bruce opened up the mail to see a postcard from the boys and sighed. "Of course they fought least it's not each other, it progress." He shrugged smiling and went back to work.

Well that's it. 

I enjoyed writing this a 2 am

comment any mistakes or just feelings in general, I love hearing from all of you :) 

Idk if I'll publish again, but if you have a request I'll try and get it done 

bye <(o-o)^ *my brain dead attempt at a wave*

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