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*Image is not mine nor is it related to the story*

Hellooooooo I am back because this idea was rattling around in my brain and I just had to write it. There will be a bit of an intro with it :)

First off there will be some age adjustments, this story will be a reverse Batfam so, 

Dick: 13


Tim: 20

Damian: 21

Bruce: same 

Alfred: Forever immortal

This will also take place in the Young Justice universe that's why the ages are reversed so Dick will still be on the YJ team and their ages are the same as well.

You can skip down if you don't want to read my exciting rant

If you have not watched Young Justice, I HIGHLY SUGGEST IT!!!!!!! Season 4 is out now!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS :) :) :) This is one of my favorite shows AND!!!!!! 

!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS for show (Kinda)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 basically the ENTIRE batfam has been included------ the main 4 sons, Batwoman, Orcale(Barbra Gordan), Orphan(Cassandra), Spoiler(Steph) 

The timelines are accurate and personalities are amazing!!!!

!!!!!OK its over!!!!!!!

Enough ranting ***one final piece of info, for the story, Dick is deathly afraid of spiders*** ok now lets go :)

"Todd, why must you be so immature?" Damian asked as he watched his brother prep his latest prank on their youngest sibling.

"Because that little twerp got me last week with by replacing my explosives with glitter bombs while I was fighting Two-Face."

"Ok but isn't this taking it a bit far?" Tim cut in worried about Dick having a possible heart attack. 

"Nah, he needs to face his fears anyways, I'm just helping him take the first steps." Jason said grinning. "Now he should be back soon so let's head upstairs and wait for the entertainment." 

As he ran up the others sighed and followed.

~Mount Justice~

The team had just returned to the mountain after a mission.

"Your performance was satisfactory, good work." Batman said after the report even though they had broken cover and something had blown up but they had accomplished their goal in the end. 

The team dispersed after that to freshen up  when Batman called Robin over. "Go ahead back to the cave I need to speak with Canary first and will be follow shortly."

Robin nodded and went to the Zeta Tube after typing in the coordinates for the Batcave

"Robin B01" 

He stepped through and started towards the batcomputer, only as he neared it he saw strange wads of hair on the ground. Then it did the worst thing possible.

It moved.

(A/n Ahhhhh I'm squirming as I type this, I despise spiders with a passion)

His eyes widened bigger then the earth itself and his breathing picked up.

Another one appeared and they both moved towards him.

Nope nOPe NOPety NOPE!!!!! 

He let out a pure scream of terror and grabbed the closest thing to him, which happened to be the batchair. With adrenalin and fear acting as his strength he smashed the chair repetitively on the tarantulas. (The number of times I had to respell that word is frustrating) 

One final smash he let go and started running back towards the zeta tube but before going inside he threw explosives back and dove in right as they went off.

"Robin B01"

He landed on the floor panting and shaking. Brushing his hands on his arms and legs he made sure nothing was on him.

"Robin?" Batman said from behind him. "Why are you back?"

"I'm staying here for the next 3 months," and that was all he said as he walked off towards his room at the mountain leaving a confused Batman behind."

~Wayne Manor~

"Oh...My...Goodness," Jason said staring at the screen. "That was better than I could have ever hoped for." 

Parts of the cave had been blown to bits, perfect for Batman to find. 

Jason started laughing uncontrollably. "He has to explain this to Batman!"

Tim had to admit the reaction was amazing. Even Damian had a slight smirk on his face.

Then through the speakers came, "Batman 01." 

Jason launched up and focused intently on the screen, waiting.

"Five minutes, he was alone for five minutes." He sighed and with the energy of an overworked dad he stepped over the mess, changed, and went upstairs. 

OK that's it for this story, comment any mistakes or requests you have. 

Final thought---- If you want more batfam content check out on Webtoon The Wayne Family It is a slice of life comic that is hilarious and accurate to the family's personalities and focuses on the families crazy interactions rather than just action (Not a promotion I just love it and want you to read it as well)

Bat Boys one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now