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My school just shut down again so, in the spirit of going back into quarantine here's the batboys stuck at home. 

Tim hated everything. 

Not only was he stuck at home during the day, but Bruce wouldn't let them go out at night as often,  so to say the least they were going stir crazy and something was bound to happen. 

Until then Tim was stuck at his desk waiting for his class Zoom meeting to start. He set up for it to be on his phone so his computer was free to do Wayne tech work as he tuned out whatever the teacher was talking about. 

"Good morning class." His teacher said from the screen as she got multiple greetings from the other students. Tim decided to watch for a minuet as the faces of his classmates and teacher changed on the screen as they spoke then his mind wandered back to the work he had to do. 

"Tim, can you answer the question?"

There was a moment of panic as he turned towards the screen.

"Um, yeah." He said trying to remember the question then he couldn't tell if what happened next was a blessing or a curse.

"Hey Timber!" Jason yelled barging into his room. "Watch'ya doing? Looking up things your not supposed to?" He asked raising an eyebrow and Tim heard a few snickers from his classmates.

"Jason," he hissed. "Get out."

"Oh, you're really hiding something." 

"What? No! I'm in a live meeting with my class, so get out!"

Jason raised a questioning eyebrow as he looked down to see a few faces on the screen.

"So this is live? And everyone can see it?" He asked.

"Yes! What's so hard to...." Tim started then it dawned on him. "Jay, you better not be thinking..."

"Too late." Jason said grabbing the phone and sprinting out the door.

"JASON!" Tim yelled charging after him.

A/n, reminder to make it better: the class only knows Tim as the straight A, well put together, nerdy boy. So they never seen him get super angry or out of control unlike when he's at home. They don't know his brothers very well so they don't know this amount of arguing and fighting is normal. Let's just say they see Tim in a new light now :)

From the classes point of view they could see Jason holding the phone so it captured him smiling as he ran with Tim close behind him. They heard a yell and saw Tim jump into a flying tackle causing them both to fall to the ground. 

Phone on the floor they could hear grunting, arguing, and punches being thrown. 

"What's happening?" a girl whispered.

"I have no idea." another replied.

"Will you two morons keep it down!" a new voice yelled, but the fighting continued.

The phone jostled as it was picked up and a green eyed, spikey black haired kid appeared scowling into the camera. 

"Who are you?" The kid asked.

"We're Tim's English class." the teacher answered. "Now please give Tim the phone so we may continue."

"Tt, your not my teacher, nor will you ever be, given my superior knowledge." he said and the teachers eyes widened at his lack of respect as the class, "ooooed"

"Young man you will show some respect." 

"I'm just stating the truth." 

"Damian! Quit insulting my teacher!" Tim yelled finally throwing Jason off him.

"Tt, you cant tell me what to do either." Damian said passing the phone off to Jason and grabbed one of the two swords displayed on the wall as Tim grabbed the other. 

Jason turned the camera to the fight as he breathed, "this is so much better than TV."

The class watched as the two boys went back and forth trying to slice each other while hearing the clanging of metal. 

Apparently they weren't the only ones to hear it as yet another black haired boy emerged from a room behind them.  

"How many are there?" a kid whispered.

"Hey! What did I tell you about sword fights in the hallway! And those are decorations!"

"This has happened before?" Another kid questioned.

The older boy broke them apart and demanded, "What happened!"

"Damian just-"

"This fool told me-"

"Jason had also-"

"They would not shut up-"

"Quiet! One at a time."

"Jason took my phone...wait...where's my phone?" Tim asked then glanced towards Jason who was still grinning and holding the phone up for the class. 

In a swift motion Tim's leg shot out kicking Jason's hand launching the phone into the air, while everyone was distracted he jumped, catching the phone, then rolled and took off down the hallway.


"What happened?"

"That was cool." were some reactions to Tim's little stunt.

Soon he was chased by all three boys for different reasons, Jason: to get the phone back, Damian: to kill him, and Dick: to stop Damian. 

He waved around corners then saw his only possible chance of loosing them.  

He crashed through a window.

Only he forgot he wasn't on the main floor. 

"Crap!" he yelled as wind rushed past him and he braced for impact, then he hit the ground with a roll. 

"That was incredible!"

"He went through a window!"

"I wanna do that!"

He glanced up and saw Jason getting ready to do the same, so he sprinted along the house searching for the right window.

When he found it he scaled the side of the building easily, opened the window, crawled in, and locked it behind him along with the his door. 

Peace and quiet at last. Though he knew they could get in if they really wanted to, but he knew Jason was getting bored with it. So, he should be good here. 

Sitting down Tim set the phone so the screen was pointed at him and he saw all the shocked faces and so he did the only reasonable thing he could think of. 

"So," he breathed, "could you repeat the question?"

All right, that's it, (I think this is my longest one)

I enjoyed writing this one so i hope you enjoyed reading it. 

Comment requests, corrections, thoughts...weather reports, really anything you feel like.

But, until next time


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