Nightwings Brothers

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Disclaimer: All right last time I'm doing this. I own nothing!

The BPD are meeting Nightwings brothers.

Amy Rohrbach was standing next to the chief of BPD outside of a stereotypical warehouse where a drug and weapons deal was going down. they were there to stop it.

"Ready?" Chief said and she nodded. They stood next to the doors then rushed inside. Only to find that they were beat to it. 

In front of them, Nightwing was fighting alongside two young Gotham heroes and one anti-hero.

"Why are the Gotham heroes here?" Amy wondered out loud. 

"No idea." Chief replied. "And why aren't they taking Red Hood down too?"

They watched as the heroes fought what seemed like the never ending thugs, then things got interesting. 

Red Robin had jumped back to avoided getting hit, but that caused him to run into Red Hood.

"Watch it replacement!" 

"How many times do I have to say it. Stop calling me that!"

"Hey!" Nightwing said as he hit an escrima stick over a thugs head, knocking him out. "Focus on the fight."  

"Yeah, yeah relax Goldie." Red Hood said as he rolled his eyes. At least she assumed he did. 

The fight continued on and Robin took out a dagger and threw it towards a man who was trying to run. It cut his cheek and was imbedded into the wall, right in front of Red Robins face.

"SAPWN!" Red Robin yelled. "Watch where your aiming!"

Spawn? Goldie? Replacement? They had some odd nicknames. 

"Tt, I did otherwise you would be dead." Robin replied smugly. 

"That was still way too close." 

"Oh shut up. I'm sick of hearing your insufferable whining."

Red Robins face twisted in anger. "That's it!" He cried ditching the thug he was fighting and lunged to tackle Robin. 

To say the least everyone except for Nightwing and Red Hood were shocked to see two heroes rolling around fighting like normal siblings. Well as normal as it gets for them. 

"Guys! Really! You have to do this now?" Nightwing said jumping in trying to unsuccessfully separate them. "Not in front of the bad guys!"

"I have to live with this, you know." Red Hood said to the confused thug standing next to him. 

"What is happening?" Chief whispered to her.

"I don't know." She whispered back.


Red Hood sighed and turned to the thug again. "Don't go anywhere if you know what's good for you." Then he jumped into the pile of limbs. After a minute of wrestling they finally separated them.

"Go home!" Nightwing shouted to them. "Well talk about this when we get back."

"Fine mom." Red Robin mumbled and him and Robin grappled out of the building.   

Nightwing didn't even seem phased by being called mom. Amy guessed this happened a lot. 

"This has got to be the strangest night yet." She said. 

"Yep." Chief said agreeing.

Alright, that's it for this one

I hope you enjoyed it

Comment thoughts and grammar mistakes

Until next time


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