Lets Begin

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Fabian's POV

"GOD DAMNIT NIKOLAI. I SWEAR TO MOTHER FUCKING GOD NIKKI YOU BETTER WATCH HIM." I roared at Nikki, infuriated. How could she keep Nikolai taking residence at the Dragneels from me. Of all people.

"Calm down, he knows what he is doing. I doubt he is going to try anything with a hormonal dragon." Nikki stated. "Plus, she has those cute dragon brothers with her, they practically go where ever she goes."

I slammed my fist on the stone table. The adrenaline from my anger made it to where I couldn't feel the pain. "I doesn't matter if he is going to do something or not. What matters is he is making this plan about himself."

She sighed in irritation, "of course, I wouldn't expect nothing less from him. Don't forget the reason he is doing all of this."

My grip loosened up, she was right. A purple and black fire arose from the middle of the floor, ugh speaking of the damn devil, I turned to look at my brother.

"What's up brat," Nikolai spat. He walked over to the stone table, sitting back, placing his feet on it.

"What did you get tired of the pregnant dragon?" I mocked.

Nikolai took in a deep breath, "actually we are playing a game of hide and seek. Yeah, she is out seeking me. Better yet when she gets here and finds me, we should all go shopping." His sarcasm was getting me irritated.

Nikki came to realization,"really Nikolai, what are you doing here?"

He let out a faint sigh and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, mostly out of boredom."

"Ok when is Natsu supposed to be returning?" Nikki asked.

"I haven't checked in on their mission lately," he rose to his feet. "I will be back." Purple and black flames came and gone.

"He is fucking irritating," I snickered.

Nikki walked to a cabinet, opening the dark brown wooden door. There was loads of different colored liquids and powders. She grabbed a bag. Purplish blue, it had a gold ribbon that tied the top. On the front of the bag in gold lining was a picture of what appeared to be a symbol of a type of plant.

She handed the bag to me, "here."

I grabbed the bag, "what is this?" I questioned. I opened the bag to see a greenish powder in the bag. I put my nose to it.

"I wouldn't inhale that if I were you," Nikki suggested.

I took my nose away from the opening, "and why not?"

Nikki folded her arms around her chest," nevermind, go ahead and sniff it. I would love to see how you react when you don't remember anything but your name."

I sent the bag down, "why do you have this?"

"I made it, specifically for you." Nikki said. "That powder is MENT for Lucy. Blow it in her face, she won't remember: Fairy Tail, her friends, her husband, or what you did to her. All she will know is she is madly in love with you and that she is pregnant with your kid."

Fascinated by her words I picked up the bag and placed in in my pocket. "How long will the effects last?" I wondered.

"As long as Natsu doesn't kiss her, you should be fine." She smiled.


"Really what?" She questioned.

"A kiss?

"What, I like cheesy love stories like that." She added.

Nikolai returned, sweaty. "Well you will be pleased to know that they finished the job and are heading back home. They should be home within a matter of days."

Nikki through what appeared to be handcuffs at him, "here."

"Nikki," he whispered, walking over to her. "I thought you said I couldn't use these on you."

Nikki laughed," no we aren't doing that right now. Pervert. Plus those aren't even the right cuffs." Nikolai looked over the cuffs. His face tinted red. "Your going to need those for Natsu."

"I'm not having sex with a man!" Nikolai screamed, his voice getting higher with each word.

"Oh my god," Nikki said, face palming. "No one is asking you too. You wanna hold Natsu captive right? Then you will need those. God your discussing."

"Ok well what do they do?" Nikolai said, his face turning and even brighter shade of red.

"They are identical to the ones Fabian used to lock away Lucy's powers." Nikki said. "How far along is Lucy?"

Me and Nikolai looked at eachother in confusion," wouldn't she be at home?" I asked.

Nikki put her hand to her face again, "oh my god, how stupid are you two? I meant how many months is Lucy?"

"Isn't she 18 or 19. I don't know why you wanna know how old she is using months." Nikolai added.

"You two are so fucking stupid. SHE IS PREGNANT, HOW MANY MONTHS IS SHE!" Nikki roared.

"Oooooohhh," Nikolai and I said in unison. "She is around 6 or 7 months. Natsu has been gone for a while." Nikolai stated.

Nikki clapped her hands together, "time to put everything in action." Her devious smile light up the room, from her sparkling canines, the gates of hell could be seen through her eyes.


Hey guys, sorry for not updating in a while. Lack of motivation I guess. But I'm back now. Also I started on a new book, it's called My Spark of Hope. Please check it out, it's pretty cool. But anyway see you all in the next chapter ;)

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