The Secret Truth

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Nikolai's POV

After the famous Natsu Dragneel and Lucy's wedding, I decided to check in on their honeymoon. I can see why Natsu picked this location, Sparkston. It's quite beautiful actually. The ocean view and everything else is ok. I decided to go alone, without Fabian, seeing Natsu and Lucy having sex he would more than likely ruin what I have planned for the two of them. 

"So this is where you have been?" I turned around to see it is none other than Fabian with the succubus Lilith at his side.

I sigh," what do you want little brother, can't you see I am on vacation." I walked to a near by chair and sat down. Hoping they would buy it.

"Bull shit!" Fabian exclaimed. " You were supposed to keep an eye on Lucy and figure out how to kill Natsu."

I stood up, walked up to Fabian, smirked. I brought my fist up to his chin, causing him to fall to the floor, spitting out blood. " First, what makes you think you can talk to me like that. Second,  I don't need to be reminded what I have to do. Learn your place!" I patted his head then took a seat on the chair.

He got up to his feet wiping the blood running out of his mouth, " Fine but seriously when will you go out looking for their honeymoon spot?"

I put on someones glasses that were sitting next to the chair, " has it ever occurred to you that maybe they went to the Dragon Realm to spend their honeymoon? I mean to me that would make sense since your not aloud up there anymore, wait but they think your dead. Yeah they are probably up there."

"Just be sure to find them," Fabian stated. 

I grinned, "find your life little brother, let them enjoy what they have right now, it isn't going to last very long. Geez you sound like Lilith when she doesn't get in your pants." I could tell that made her mad.

I looked up at Fabian," be gone," waving my hand. With that said he disappeared in black and red flames. I sighed how did father let you get like that? I got up from the chair looking at Natsu and Lucy leaving their house for what looks like a day to themselves. 

Lucy's POV

Natsu woke me up," Hurry up Luce, we are going to be late!" throwing whatever clothes he could find at me. 

I got up and got dressed, meeting him outside. " What are we going to be late for?" I questioned.

" I know you like books, so there's a huge library on the other side of town that I wanted you to see. But if we don't hurry it will close." He said.

"What time is it?" I questioned. 

He shrugged, " probably 2 in the after noon?" 

My eyes grew wider," we really slept in that long."

He smiled ,"you were probably tired from the fun we had last night." 

I sighed, he grabbed my hand and we started walking toward the library. We walked through the shopping market, there was so much stuff it was crazy. Natsu promised we would come back to the market after the library. The walk took an hour and a half, however, the scenery was gorgeous. Trees, the birds and the smell. The trees made the road look like it went on forever, with leaves covering the ground, since its the beginning of fall the colors of the trees are turning from green to red, orange and yellow. The weather is still warm, not too hot but not crazy cold. The trees where about a foot away from the road and 4 feet from each other. 

When we finally got to the library it was huge, 8 stories high. The stair case leading up to the building had white and silver bricks. Medium sized bushes where around the foundation. Dandelions were at the edge of the bricks. We spent the day looking at books.

We had to cut the library trip short since Natsu ate one of the scratch and sniff books. He swore that it smelled like chicken so he couldn't help himself. We just went to the beach house. I needed to tell him about the baby, he deserved to know.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, Natsu finally came in looking at me, " I'm sorry Luce for eating the book but they shouldn't have chicken smelling books and expect people not to eat it." I just stayed quite. "Come on Lucy don't hate me, you can't hate me."

A tear escaped my eye, " Natsu, I have to tell you something."

Natsu's POV

"Natsu, I have to tell you something," Lucy said while a tear escaped her eye. Please don't be because of what happened at the library, did I embarrass her that much she has to cry? I braced myself for what I was about to hear. 

"What is it?" I said as calmly as I possibly could.

Her eyes began to fill up with tears, " remember that night when Fabian rapped me?" I nodded in response. That name 'Fabian" made me get a little angry inside. " well, Nighteye and Fury taught me this technique to tell me if I'm pregnant or not after that happened, they didn't know." She stopped.

They didn't know what? "Didn't know what?" I asked, seriously.

"I was pregnant during training and lost it when I was fighting Fury, he ummm............ kicked me in the stomach and I lost it. I'm sorry for not telling you before." She started sobbing heavily. 

I grabbed her bringing her into my chest, " Its alright Luce, he failed in accomplishing what he intended. You know why?" I asked her , lifting up her looking her dead in the eye. "We kicked his ass and I know losing it might have been really hard but at least we won't have to worry about another look alike right?" 

I was thinking about changing the subject, " so what's this thing that Nighteye and Fury taught you, I want to see it." She nodded.

She put her hand on her stomach, " white light will appeared, I will have to concentrate on the imagination of a baby, then it will either stay white meaning I'm not pregnant or it will turn yellow meaning that I am. More than likely it will turn white." 

White light did appear just like she said. She closed her eyes meaning she was concentrating. The light became to bright, I couldn't stand to look at it any longer, I looked away.

"Natsu," Lucy said in a flat tone.

"yeah," I said still looking away, thinking that the light was still bright.

"Look," She urged. 

My eyes shot open, I turned my head to look at her hand. My eyes grew a little wider

"Yellow!" I exclaimed.

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