The Grand Honeymoon

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Sorry for the absence of the everyday updates, but it's really hard when a computer or my iphone isn't available. Also school, being a junior is kinda hard. But I promise I will try to be better on the updates. Enjoy the chapter.

Natsu's POV

I can't believe I married the girl I fell in love with. She is just perfect in every way. For the honeymoon I decided to take her out of Magnoila and into a cabin by the beach. I know it doesn't sound all that romantic, but I plan to make it romantic in my own way. The beach is an hour away, but I know Lucy isn't going to walk so, for her, I'm willing to take the train. 

We get to the train station, Lucy is getting restless.

"Where are we going?" she asks, excitedly. 

I look at her, kiss her lips, "Stop asking it's a surprise." I reply in a soft tone. 

She sighs, "fine." We walk onto the train. I instantly get motion sickness and pass out.

Lucy's POV

Once we got on the train Natsu passed out. It's ok he is really cute when he sleeps. I look out of the window. How can I be this Lucky, I have an amazing husband and friends. The truth is I can"t stop thinking about the miscarriage I had. I know I should not be concerned about it, but I am. I haven't told Natsu, I am starting to think that I should just tell him. What will he say or do? I mean we already killed Fabian, right? That was all that was on my mind for the rest of the train ride.

(1 hour later)

The train stops in Sparkston, a little town further from Mayberry Forest. The town is a popular tourist attraction for its many shops and its beach. The beach has beautiful white sand that glimmers as it reflects the sun, the ocean is crystal clear blue water. A few miles down the coast line, there's a cliff where you can see the dolphins and the whales playing in the water.

As soon as the train stopped Natsu's motion sickness ceased and he shot up. " Where are we?" he asked, looking out of the window. 

"We are in Sparkston," I replied. I began to get a little curious on where we were going.

Natsu smiled while holding out his hand. Looks like we are getting off here. We walked off of the train and out of the station, he immediately put  his scarf around my eyes, blindfolding me.

I yelped in surprise, "what are you doing?!" Now I'm wondering where we are going now more than ever.

He grabbed my hand, "it wouldn't be a mystery if I let you SEE where I'm taking you." I sighed in response.

We walked through the market area, I could tell since the noises where so lively. I couldn't see anything, so I had to use my other senses. We went from walking on cement to dirt 30 minutes after we got out of the station. We continued for another 30 minutes, the dirt got softer the further we went. The sound and smell of the ocean drew near. We suddenly stopped.

"Don't take your blindfold off," he urges. I nodded in response. He lets go of my arm. For a moment I thought that idiot left me as a joke.

"Ok, take of the blindfold." He said, from behind me. I took the blindfold off without any hesitation.

I covered my mouth with my hands in amazement. Before me was a beautiful house, with the ocean the the back yard. The house had white and red rose bushes covering the foundation of the layout. A silver rock path way lead to the red bricked patio, it took three steps to get onto the patio. The windows were big with a double front  door next to them.

He kissed me on the neck, "so how did I do?" I turned around and kissed him on the lips, " I'm not sure I haven't seen the inside."

We walked into the house. It had an open concept, everything was spacious. Giant windows showed the ocean. We were the only house for miles. We walked into the bedroom, the bed was huge and so was the tub.  I turned to Natsu, " This is amazing," I squealed. Laying on the bed, it was so soft almost like a cloud. 

I jumped up and hugged him, " this is beautiful."

He smiled," well Gray and Levy helped me pick it out."

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips, I kissed him back. He put his hands around my waist, I put my hands around his neck. The gentle kiss turned into passionate, he picked me up and put me on the bed. It was now rough and heavy kissing. He took off his shirt, then took mine off as well. (Then everyone knows what happens next.)

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