See You Again

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Lucy's POV

I felt warmth bathe my skin. I slowly open my eyes. I was wearing a white dress that stretched down to my knees. My hair was down, it had gotten longer, so now it reaches the middle section of my back. I look out in the distance, a cream colored horizon. Looking down, was a soft white fluff. I guess I'm on a cloud. I take a step out. It felt like I was weightless. I wasn't walking on the clouds, I was floating on them. With my bare feet touching the soft fluff, I continued to glide over the clouds. I had no idea where I am going, but I have a feeling that something important lies in the direction I am headed. With each step it felt like I was getting closer and closer to my destination.

It felt like I was walking for hours. I felt as if my destination was here, right where I am standing. I look over to my left. A light so bright, I had to cover my eyes, shinned. I could see the shadows of two people. One looks like a woman. She is significantly taller than the second one. The light dimmed just enough for me to make up the woman's face.

The sight took my breath away. So many emotions fills my body in one sight; joy, grief, surprise. My gaze stays locked on the figure in front of me. Tears began forming at the corners of my eyes. "Mom!" I ran to her. I could see the tears forming in her eyes. She embraces me with open arms. The tears began to flow out of my eyes. I couldn't believe that she was standing her right in front of me. After everything Nikolai has said to me about her. She is here. She is with me.

I brake the hug. She cups my cheeks. I lean my head into her hand. "My dear Lucy. Oh my Lucy." She looks at me. "Oh I have missed you so much."

"Am I dreaming?" I ask. I'm hoping that it all was a dream. That when I wake up she will be there with me. Natsu and baby Phoenix will be there, sleeping in a chair next to me.

She looks into my eyes, a single tear sheds from her eye. "I wish I could tell you it is. But if I do that I would be lying." The hurt in her eyes was so over powering. My eyes widened, if this wasn't a dream where am I? Am I dead? Did I die from giving birth?

"Mom where am I? Am I dead?" I frantically say. I can't be dead, that means I just left the love of my life and my new baby. My breathing starts picking up, rapidly.

My mom places her hands on both of my shoulders, shaking them slightly. "Lucy . . . Lucy. Calm down. Your not dead." She raised her voice slightly, causing the young boy behind her to clutch her dress.

"Then what am I doing here?" I ask, regaining control over my breathing. I look around the place where we stood. At least I am not dead.

"Oh Lucy," she began. "This is part of your space magic. We are in heaven. You my dear child, do not belong here, however you can come here. But the magic is only a once in a life time thing. So this is the last time you will be able to come here."

"So where is my body. Am I ok?" All these questions were flooding into my mind like a hurricane.

She laughs, "your body is fine. You are sleeping in the infirmary at your guild. Here, take a look." She waves her hand over the cloud. When it opens I can see myself laying in bed, sleeping. A man comes into view, holding a two day old baby in his arms - swaying him back and forth.

"Natsu," I smile, looking into the cloud. I wanted to be there, awake, with them.

"He has been there ever since you arrived there. He also has been taking great care of the newest edition to the family. What is his name?" She asks.

"Phoenix," I smile. "His name is Phoenix."

"There is one more person I want you to meet." she says. She kneels to the little boy that's next to her. He is around two years old. He held his index finger in his mouth. When she finished talking to him he nodded his little head. "Ok Lucy, don't freak out. Ok?"

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