My Master Plan

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Nikolai's POV

Looking over at the stunned look on Fabians face was just to priceless. I just couldn't help myself from letting out a chuckle. 

"Wha-what are you talking about brother?" Fabian said trying to grasp the idea of me being his older brother.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" I looked at him confused. "I'm pretty sure I didn't stutter, yes I am your older brother. The only reason why we have never met each other was due to the fact that my mother was our fathers mistress, he didn't want your mother knowing about his many affairs he had with different women."

He put his hand on his chin, tapping it. He glanced over at Lilith," go! Me and my new found brother have a lot to discuss." She gave him a glare, then turned it towards me. She walked out of the store, I waved my figures.

Fabian sighed then looked in my direction, putting his hand over his mouth, letting out a sigh. "How come father didn't mention you before?"

I smiled,"he knew if he would tell you about me eariler, you would probably have me killed. You know, since you want the throne and all. You even have your eyes set on a girl that's engaged to someone else just to bare your child. Answer me something that doesn't scream pathetic, does it?" I could see Fabian getting angry with the last thing I said, but I really don't care he needed to hear it.

"What is it that you want exactly?" He snarled.

I chuckled," easy, I want to help you get the girl for what ever your purpose is for her, I really don't give a flying fuck."

Fabian thought about it," that's all you want to do? Nothing else?"

My devilish smile stretched across my face," no, that's not all I want. I want to help you kill Natsu Dragneel. I know you have your own reason for wanting him dead, I have mine."

"What reasons are those?" He asked.

"That's strictly confidential, that's all I am willing to say on the subject." I tried to quickly change the subject.

"So what type of dragon are you?" Fabian looked me up and down.

I walked over to him, looking him straight in the eyes, my orange eyes turned into a dark shade of red. Fabian looked at me confused." Your suffocating, your blood temperature is rising, I don't think you will survive much longer."

I watched as Fabian fell to the floor holding his neck choking on nothing. I released my compulsion, my eyes turned back to orange. I knelled over him trying to catch his breath," Ohh but that's not all. I have one more that makes me truly powerful. If I bite you, I will release a potent poison killing any dragon I happen to bite, to this day I believe only one can heal that type of poison. That's the dragon that can control space and I don't know about you but I havn't seen one around for a long time, have you?"

"Trust me I know a lot more about you than you think I do, brother. I know about how your last plan fell into complete shit," I began. "But I have a plan that will make what you did seem like the beginning."

He looked at me," so what do you propose?"

I smiled," I will go with your idea on waiting them out, making a move after the wedding but we are going to wait longer than that."

He looked at me confuse,"why?!"

"There are reasons that I can not explain at this moment but let's just say the blonde will be a vital key. Continuing with the plan, we wait them out longer than their wedding. The thing Lucy will have, Natsu will die trying to recover, but we don't want that. What we want to do is kill him before he can recover from it. Have Lucy watch the killing of her husband, she will be puddy in our hands. She will practically do what we want her to do." I finished.

"That's perfect," He squealed.

"Go now before someone sees you," I urge. He nodded red and black fire appeared. Just as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. I continued looking around the store, the front door opened.

I looked up to see a blonde haired girl standing in the door way. 

Lucy's POV

I went back to the store to give Lilith an invitation to the wedding, since she was such a big help. 

I walked into the store, when I got there my mouth flew open. The man standing in front of me looks so much like Fabian but he seems a little different, the scents don't match or the eyes. "Fabian," I whispered.

"Excuse me," he said. His voice was much more masculine than Fabian's, trust me.

"Umm, by any chance is Lilith here?" I asked him. He walked up to me, I started getting a little nervous.

"She just left, but I am the store manager so I think I can help you with what ever you need," he said. He held out his hand as if to shake mine, I shook it. "I'm Nikolai."

"I'm Lucy," I smiled.

Nikolais's POV

My eyes widened, this is the girl that Fabian slept with? This is the girl that he wants to use so badly. I must say she is amazingly beautiful, I have only heard her name but not want she looks like, maybe I could have my own fun with her when we kill he husband.

I shook her hand," That's a nice name, so Lucy, what can I help you with?"

"Oh could you give this to Lilith when she returns, it's my wedding invitation." She said smiling, handing me the invitation. 

I smile," I garuentee this will reach her."

"Thank you," she smiled, she headed toward the door waving good bye.

I watched as she left, I put my hand over my mouth. So that is the girl, after I am done, I will probably keep her for myself. 


Here it is next chapter. Hope everyone will have a great New Years, hopefully i get the girl this year. Also don't do anything you will regret later. See you all in the next chapter.

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