All Hail Baby Phoenix

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Natsu's POV

I took stance in front of Lucy, hoping Fury and Nighteye will cover her from the upcoming scene. The last thing I want from her is more stress. I can hear her cries -pain and agony-, I guess labor must be really painful. I look back at Lucy, her face was full of pain and sweat, I looked at the ground. "I will keep them safe," I muttered. "No matter what happens."

Nikolai stood there, a devil-like smile plastered on his face. It made me sick to my stomach. But the worst, Lisanna is a traitor. My anger intensified, how could someone do that to their friends and family?

"So, shall we begin?"Nikolai grins.

My hands caught fire, all my magic is going towards the death of him. I looked towards Erza and Gray. They got into their battle stations. Erza requipped into her heavens wheel armor. Gray -like always- strips off his shirt, waiting until the fight was about to begin.

"I'm going to burn you into a crisp." I growled. The fire around my hands growing in size and getting hotter with each breathe that comes out of my body.

He lets a loud chuckle escape from his throat. "Oh Natsu, you my foe are hilarious if you honestly think you can kill me." He paused, looking around the walls. "Look around, I have won. And once I am done with you, that new born -that is being provided by your wife- will be my power." He paused. My body shook with rage. "Lisanna, take those two, Gray and the scarlet into your own room away from this one. We will need all the space we can get."

She nodded in obedience. With a flick of her wrist, Gray and Erza disappeared into a a purple smoke. She turned to Nikolai, "I will return in a moment." She looks at him and disappears in the same smoke color as Erza and Gray. It was me and him.

"THIS HURTS!" I hear Lucy scream in the background. There is no way I'm going to let him touch my family.

"Oh looks like he is almost-" he was cut off.

"Shut your fucking mouth," I spat, my fist meeting his face, the white flame burned his flesh a bit. Flying back into the nearest wall. Shattering the stone, his head met the red and gold wall. His body fell to the floor.

I walked over to him as quickly as I could. He looked up from the floor, a smirk stretched across his mouth. In the blink of an eye he was gone.

"Looking for someone?" He said. I spun around. My eyes couldn't even focus on the figure in front of me. Like a bolt of lightning his rapid punches came into contact with my torso and face. With one last rapid punch, he upper cutted me. Spinning back, my feet landed on the nearest wall. I pushed off of the wall. "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" The amount of power that drew up from me was unreal. Nikolai tired to block it, failing in the process.

The blast knocked I'm back. He extended his hand out, skidding on the marble flooring. He did a summersault landing back onto his feet. He took off the long black coat. Under the coat was a purple muscle shirt. "Well I must say I didn't expect you to last this long. No wonder you beat my weakling of a baby brother."

"I can't believe you killed him. HE WAS YOUR BLOOD! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?" I yell, lunging myself at him. If he could do that to his blood, he really was ruthless. "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST." I yell. I aimed for his face. He blocked it. With his other hand, he pushed my hand down. He swings his free hand, making contact with my face. I slid across the cold marble flooring. Landing not to far from Lucy.

I looked at her, holding onto fury's hand. Her face burned red. Sweat trickling down her forehead. Our eyes made contact. She cringed in pain, letting out a loud scream. Her breathe was hard and fast. When I looked to her mouth, she mouthed, 'I believe in you!' That alone gave me the strength: my family. I slightly struggled getting up. Looking Nikolai straight into the eye, wiping the running blood from my bruised lip.

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