The Announcement

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Nikolai's POV

(Two weeks later)


"Look," I said. "I don't mind doing your dirty work, however, what do I get out of it?"

Nicki put her finger on her bottom lip. "I already explained it, you get power from the kid. That kid will have an insane amount of power, since he is a dragon after all. Knowing you I know you want that power."

I pondered what she said, 'all the power I want.' "I guess I will do it." My answer made her face glow.

"I'm giving it two weeks," I added.

"Two weeks for what?" She questioned, concerned.

"Two weeks until I start watching her again. Their little romance trip will be over by then. I'm going to try to get close, but not too close. Of course I'm going to befriend her, get close enough so when she is just about ready to give birth, her and that kid are mine."

(Flashback end)

I watched them leave their beach home in Sparkston. Get on the train back to Magnolia, Once they got back to Magnolia, they dropped off their belongings and went straight to the guild.

"This is going to be interesting," I said.

Natsu's POV

I was so excited to be back, being with Lucy alone was fun but I do miss my friends. Plus I want to tell everyone the exciting news about the baby. I held on to Lucy's hand so tight. "You ready Luce?" I asked her. She breathed in a nodded.

I kicked in the doors,"WE ARE BACK!!" I roared. Everyone in the guild came to welcome us back. Lucy let go of my hand to go to Levy, I walked over to Gray and Gajeel.

"Look here comes the married man," Gray smirked.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Ice prike?" I clashed my head with his. Suddenly feel a sharp pain in the center of my head.

"You better not be fighting," Erza said. She frowned, which made me shake a little.

"Nope, not at all." Gray and I said in unison. She walked away, Gray and I took a seat. 

"That reminds me, I gotta tell you something," I said excitedly

Lucy's POV

I walked over to Levy, "LUUUCCCCYYYY" she squealed, giving me a giant hug. We sat in the bar, Cana was just a few seats away drinking a barrel of booze. Mira is cleaning some dishes.

"Ok Lue, tell me everything starting from the time you got to the house."

"I don't know where to start, It started of great if you know what I mean." I nudged her, we both giggled together (This is how I picture girls talking to each other about that stuff so bear with me). 

"Ok how good was he? TELL ME!" She urged.

"He was amazing actually, about that I have to tell you something." I said the tone in my voice started getting higher.

"OK what is it, tell me." She squealed.

"Ok I'm PREGNANT," I squealed.

"OH MY GOD LUUCCYYY," Levy screamed, hugging me tightly. "LUCY IS PREGNANT!!!" Soon the whole guild started congratulating us. 

"Drinks for everyone," Cana said, raising another barrel of booze in the air. Everyone in the guild started drinking, it turned into a party. Natsu pushes through the crowd to get to me.

"Perfect timing," he said. "I was just about to tell Gray and Gajeel that you were pregnant." 

"Natsu....... Lucy, can I see the both of you in my office?" Master Makarov said. We simply followed him into his office.

"I wanted to personally congratulate you two on the upcoming arrival of the new dragon, right, or will it be a dragon slayer like Gajeel and Wendy?" He asked.

"No she will be a dragon." I replied.

"Its a girl?" Master asked.

"In her dreams, its a boy." Natsu said putting his hand into a fist, smiling. 

"He wishes," I sighed.

Master placed his hand on my shoulder, he have me the look your married to him, he suddenly clapped his hands together. "Ok we have a new member of Fairytail. I need you two to look after him for a while until he gets used to things. Come out here."

The door opened, the smell was familiar. I turned my head, " so we meet again." I whispered.

"This is Nikolai, he tells me he is a dragon as well. So I want you two to look after him. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you." Master said.

"FABIAN." Natsu roared, punching him in the face.

"NATSU STOP!" I yelled, pulling him off of Nikolai. "He isn't Fabian, the smell doesn't even match. Plus look at him, Fabian was way scrawnier than that. Look at his face, not the same, similar but not him."

Natsu's POV

How the fuck, did Fabian survive, I thought we killed him 7 months ago. I observed the man standing in front of me. Lucy was right the smell didn't match, his face was a lot more manly than Fabians, plus he was taller than Fabian not by a lot. 

I scratched the back of my head, "Sorry about that." I held out my hand to help him up,he grabbed it then i hoisted him up. I put my mouth up to his ear, "If you try anything, I will kill you. Ok?"

He whispered back, "Don't count on it." I think he was talking about trying something.

"Now that this is settled we are going to need a bigger house," Lucy stated.

"Alright I will let the three of you get comfortable with each other, I'm going to go party." Master said running out of his office. "Mira bring the booze."

Nikolai's POV

Already this fiery bitch socks me, he is lucky I let him slid with just that. Who the fuck does he think he is? 

I turn to the both of them, "Ok something you need to know about me, I don't tolerate bullshit. Don't pick a fight with me, I won't fight back."

"So we are going to live with him!!" Natsu turned to Lucy.

She shrugged her shoulders, "we do have to keep an eye on him. Plus we need a bigger place anyway. Mine or yours isn't big enough for a new baby."

Natsu sighed," Alright we will start tomorrow. Come on Nickle."

"Did you just call me Nickle?" I started walking toward him.

He looked serious," Yup! now come on we are going back to our place. Don't let the door hit you." This little boy thinks he is the shit, alright tough guy very soon you will know who the top dragon really is.


Hey guys, so I am helping out my close friend with his story. If you like werewolves and vampires you are going to want to read this or at least pass it a long to a friend. Check it out its called "Broken Reality" by @estadree 

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