5~the beginning

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My feelings for Alan kept growing and increasing every moment of the day. He had my heart, always and forever.

My brother Judson got really sick in November. The whole family was worried about him. I did online school for that whole month because of his illness and I did not see anybody. Alan face timed me every night and that is when I knew I would love that boy.

I invited Alan over on the 25th of November which became the beginning of us.

My mom and I got in the car to go and pick Alan up at his house. I was a tad bit nervous, but mostly excited to see him. Alan had been there for me during this hard time in my life. I shot him a text message as we arrived at his house. His driveway was ridiculously hard to back out of. Alan came out of his back door walking down to our car. As he got into the car, I felt warmth run through my body.

Back at home, I offered Alan something to eat, but he refused. He seemed very resentful towards eating with me which bothers me. My mom and I know I suffer from some kind of eating disorder and I always go to the worst conclusions.

Alan and I turned the lights off and laid on my big couch in the sunroom. I had a ton of struggles turning on the TV so he ended up helping me. I rested my head on his chest and could feel his heart pounding. I wondered if he would ask me to be his girlfriend. "Sit up," Alan demanded. I sat up looking at him with big, wandering eyes. "Never mind," he sighed. I looked down in disappointment as he pulled me down towards him again. "Wait," I said sitting up. "What is it?" He took a while to respond but finally he anxiously replied. "Will you go out with me Charlotte?" I smiled in awe and stared into his eyes. "Yes," I yelled hugging him tightly.
345 words
this was kinda cringe ngl but this what happened lol

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