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In my second week of residential treatment, I got to know a shy, quiet girl named Renee.

My first impression of Renee was that she did not like me and was practically mute. Renee was very silent until I came around. We started sitting together in the common room where we were all the time. I got to know her background and we figured out we had a lot in common. I like to say Renee was my life saver, I started becoming much happier when she became my best friend. Renee made me laugh at anything and everything. I thank her for making my experience much less stressful.

I still keep in contact with Renee today and I just recently wrote her a letter. I owe her everything. Renee is like a little sister to me, she is about a year and a half younger than me. She got me through treatment. Renee made me laugh and smile everyday when it was hard to grin.

On my last day at residential, Renee got pulled by her doctor. I made the nurse taking me back to my parents wait until she was done. Tears were already flooding my eyes because I knew this would be hard. Renee is one of the best best friends I could have. I was waiting at the end of the hallway and Renee knew it was my time to end my journey at treatment. I told her I loved her and everything was going to be okay and that she has got this. All of us would always say "you got this!" to each other during mealtimes. Renee started balling her eyes out, and so did I. I am forever grateful for Renee and will always cherish and remember her. I told her this would not be the last time we saw each other.
309 words

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