14-the end of our story

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Most love stories end with a happy finale in the movies, but not for me anyways.

On a Saturday night I kept repeatedly questioning Alan. He'd ignore me of course, but I would not give up. I asked Alan how he could love me one day, then the next day want to move on. I asked what happened to "We are meant to be," and "We are made for each other." Alan would keep avoiding my questions, but I refused to give up.

Alan finally told me he stopped liking me weeks after we broke up. He immediately stabbed the center of my heart and left it there to bleed with no security or help. How could someone be so reckless with my heart? Alan was playing with my feelings while I was sick. Not to mention my mother had just told me she has cancer. This year had been the worst of my life. Alan continuously told me he wanted to get back together and that he loved me. It was all lies to "protect me." I explained to him he was only hurting me worse, and that sorry was not enough.

So no, not all love stories end in a magical, beautiful finale. Mine obviously did not. They say you fall in love with three people in your life time. The first love is usually in high school at a young age, but I cannot even imagine falling in love again. It is not worth all the pain. It seems like any body I ever get with leaves me with cruel lies and unbarring pain.

Alan was the best boy I have ever met. I am forever thankful for the past experience I had with him, but for now it is on pause.
293 words
yeah guys i'm not doing well:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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