13-broken girl with a broken heart

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I started sophomore year of high school the second week of August. Alan still would not hang out with me, but continued saying how much he loved and cared for me.

On the first day of my new year at school, Alan sat right behind me in the gym before homeroom. My heart sunk deep into my stomach and nerves crawled all throughout my body. He would grab the top of my head like he always used to.

Over the first couple days, Alan would sit with me in homeroom and we would chat and flirt with each other. Things seemed to be slowly going back to normal how I liked it to be.

On the second day of school, I waited for Alan after 3rd period to walk with him. He instead, walked with another girl who has a crush on him, Sue. Everyone thinks Sue is super annoying. Her and I used be close, but not much anymore because of her annoyance. This made me get really angry at Alan because I was the one putting all the effort into us. Why was it only me trying? In our next class, I asked Alan to come over to my table several times, but he refused. In a sarcastic jokingly way, I said "This, is over," pointing between us. "It was over three months ago," Alan replied smiling. "I broke up with you," I said starting to get frustrated with him. "Your face is red," I pointed out. "No shit," He said red as a tomato. I right away told my friends I was done with him.

That night, Alan and I talked things through and regretted what we said to each other. Alan said he wanted to get back together, but I said I did not when he treated me like. The next day was amazing, he would walk with me in the hallways, hold my hand, and hug me. Things were then again going back to normal as I wanted it to be.

The next day was a hot mess. Drama went down with Sue. She told me she practically liked Alan, but did not want to cause anything. I told her I literally could care less and that is how it really was. The past few months Alan has not treated me the best knowing I have been sick. Alan face timed me and told me he loved me. I fell asleep shortly after he hung up the phone.

The following morning is when he left me with a broken heart when I had already been broken from the eating disorder to begin with. While I was asleep, Alan texted me and told me we both need to try and move on. He left me confused and hopeless once again. Alan said I did not seem happy, and I honestly was not. At school, he did not talk to me at all. My guys friends told me Alan was just flirting with girls in classes. Alan grabbed the back so Sues backpack when walking, so I started singing 'Do you get deju vu?" by Olivia Rodrigo. I will admit, I am
pretty bold.

That night, I balled my eyes out for hours to my mother about Alan. He had left me with a broken heart when I was already not okay to start with. I could not understand how he loved me one day and wanted to move on the next. How can he want me then leave me behind?
584 words

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