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Another week passed.  SteelJaw's left leg has been regaining feeling and durability to stand up for thirty minutes. He had been practicing standing up in his wolf mode in determination to speed up the healing process. During that time Max had been walking back and forth in front of Steeljaw whining constantly.

It got to the point SteelJaw turned the TV on to the Dog Chanel and Max stopped the annoying whining.

This new week starts off on a different note for SteelJaw.

"Dogpark, anyone?" Widney asks, drawing Max and SteelJaw's attention from the kitchen holding two leases.

"Uh, no thank you." SteelJaw is quick to refuse.

Max leaps up off the rug then ran towards Widney similar to a thunder bolt. The rug becomes staticy once Max had left SteelJaw to the television. Max is sitting in front of Widney wagging his tail excitedly with one part of his wet pink tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth.

"Good boy." Widney said, snapping the leash on to the chain part of the collar. Widney looks towards SteelJaw. "Aw, you don't wanna come wearing a cute dog sweater?"

SteelJaw turns his head towards Widney, in his wolf mode, to see she also is waving a white cute dog sweater back and forth.."No!" SteelJaw said,shaking his paw.

"I know it is in the middle of summer." Widney said. "But you need the exercise."

"Uh no." SteelJaw said.

"How healed is your leg?" Widney asks.

"It aches after I stand for so long." SteelJaw said.

"Then you need to practice walking on it, casually, not running on it." Widney said. "You've healed faster than an average dog and it is time you went out."

"My altermode is a wolf." SteelJaw said. "Far as I am concerned; there isn't a breed of dogs similar to a wolf."

"There are many types of dogs that resemble wildlife, including cats."

"Cats are not dogs." SteelJaw said.

"Cats and Dogs share a long rich rivalry." Widney said.

"No, they do not." SteelJaw argues back.

"Yes, they do, SJ." Widney said.

"They get on each other's nerves quite easily, Wid." SteelJaw said.

"Max is living proof that cats and dogs can get along." Widney said.

"...What?" SteelJaw asks, stunned.

"Max was saved from near death by tigers." Widney

"That is...farfetched." SteelJaw said.

"I found him on one of my forest trips with a herd of tigers." Widney explains, as Max rubs along the side of her leg like a cat. "I was very surprised and caught off guard to see tigers not attacking someone in their territory let alone raise a German Shepard."

"That's because you're lying." SteelJaw said.

Widney looks down towards Max.

"Max, roar." Widney said.

Max roared like a tiger sending SteelJaw on the couch clawing at the seat acting scared. Widney hands Max a treat telling him, 'good boy' while patting on his furry head ever so lightly and laughing.

"I told you so." Widney said. "So, white sweater or pink sweater?"

_____ ____


...Crown City...

A Decepticon would find it hard to believe SteelJaw had agreed to wear a pink sweater into a dog park.Even though Widney had remarked it made SteelJaw look a bit cooler and manly for a 'Decepticon'. Slowly and slowly SteelJaw is finding himself to believe Widney may not know what Decepticons are really.

"We're here, boys!" Widney said, snapping off their leashes.

Max ran after a white poodle--who looked extravagant by the way--while SteelJaw stared at the stupid sight.

"Chasing after a girl." SteelJaw said. "Is that all Max does?"

"Shhh." Widney said. "You're not the Shaggy Dog wearing a ring."

Widney slides SteelJaw into a group of dogs.

"Speak dog, SJ." Widney said.

SteelJaw glares up towards Widney giving her a dirty look.

"I am not your pet, Widney." SteelJaw said in a low voice.

"You're staying aboard my home of internet-ing." Widney said. "You so need to socialize."

Widney did a little wave as she leaves SteelJaw to the other dogs.

How does she expect me to talk dog?, SteelJaw thought as he stared at the other dogs standing up. How he hated dogs greeting each other by smelling their rears! No wonder cats hated dogs. SteelJaw tenses up hearing the sound of a sniff behind him.

"I am not a dog," SteelJaw reminds himself. "I can't speak dog."

SteelJaw used his back leg to kick at the other dog's throat.

"Serves him right." SteelJaw said in a low, low, low voice to himself.

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