Enter in Platfeat

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A dove, yes, why a dove. A dove is what Platfeat had choosen.Of course her other choices had been too big, too huge, and too tall. Honestly in her opinion a dove fit her to the tea. She landed on a branch nearby a little pond in a dog park.She saw a femilier set of wolf eyes among a pack of dogs.

SteelJaw?, Platfeat thought.

SteelJaw had been laying low for the past three weeks.

It had been decacycles since his energy signature came on the radar.

The mech who insisted he would bring the Decepticon cause back to the greatness it had been before Galvatron had chickened out and officially disbanded the faction. But that move didn't stop those extremely loyal to the cause such as Starscream. Starscream had survived the attack by the Predacons on Cybertron and been taken to a medical 'flight rehab' because the damage might have messed up Starscream's flight systems.Starscream is secretly trying to help the cause remain online on cybertron best to his ability.

She flew nearby to Steeljaw losing some of her metal feathers in the meantime.

"I hate dog parks."SteelJaw said in a low voice.

"SteelJaw!" Platfeat cries.

SteelJaw turns over smack right into Platfeat's way sending her to the ground.

"Uh, your bad?" SteelJaw said, reaching over and brought over a big bush.

Platfeat props herself up.

"Where have you been for the past solar cycles!" Platfeat demands for an answer. "I have been searching for you everywhere!"

SteelJaw grunts.

"Not exactly 'everywhere'." SteelJaw said. "I have been laying low in the basement of a human."

Platfeat's small optics widened.

"A human?" Platfeat said, her voice lowered and hushed.

"She shot my left leg and my pinkie digit off using a Shotgun." SteelJaw said.

"But...." Platfeat looks at SteelJaw, gasping for a feasible reply. "You look fine."

"I am in the middle of recovery," SteelJaw said, extending out his claws. "Now excuse me, I have some walking to do."

SteelJaw turns away, diva style, from PlatFeat and walks away from the little caught of guard dove. She saw how SteelJaw limped yet did his best to keep himself balanced while re-adjusting his foot to the ground at each limp. He is trying hard, pretty hard, to lift his paw up without needing to look down and appear as a wimp towards others.

SteelJaw wanted to fill in the role Galvatron had left behind.

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