Making the escape

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Widney locked the basement door. Pits did SteelJaw know why! SteelJaw's leg feels better than it had a couple solar cycles ago. Max is whining in front of the basement door in the kitchen pacing back and forth acting strange.Why SteelJaw could not see but the annoying sounds coming from Max made it obvious. Widney should have named her pet 'impatience', SteelJaw thought slinking over to the spare computer desk.

The fears about being in captivity set in for SteelJaw.

SteelJaw is in his wolf mode.

Well, it can be argued he has a truck mode and he does not really have a wolf mode even though there is characters of a wolf present on SteelJaw. So lets say SteelJaw decided to go out into the civilian streets by taking on the form of a wolf dated back from another planet SteelJaw had visited.

The computer on the desk is perhaps the most daunting item in the room.

If SteelJaw blogged about his current problem; then many will be quick to point out Galvatron would laugh at him for being a 'wanna be Decepticon leader replacement'. SteelJaw walks over to the wall facing the outside front yard with a square sliding window.

SteelJaw gets up on his hind legs once pressed against the ugly solid wall alongside a bookshelf.SteelJaw reaches his paw to the window then once his paw met the glass he slid the paw through making the frame go up.The sound of birds tweeting is music to SteelJaw's ears.

The escape is imminent. Widney will never know he had lied about having a bounty over his helm.SteelJaw hears scratching coming from the other side of the basement door right upstairs.

Scratch,scratch,scratch went Max's claws against the door.

"See you, sucker!" SteelJaw shouts back to Max.

This time SteelJaw meant it.

SteelJaw slid out of the basement through the door in broad daylight.

There is a boy on a bicycle throwing newspapers to each house.

A sudden instinct to fetch came over SteelJaw, in such an unexpected moment, standing there on the lawn.SteelJaw ran after the newspaper darting past the newspaper boy.I am coming flying piece of wood!,SteelJaw thought coming closer and closer to the newspaper. The newspaper rolled down the grass field getting further and further away until SteelJaw pounced on it.He dug his fangs into the paper.

The funny thing about paper is that it is made from trees.

SteelJaw trots off after the newspaper boy wagging his tail back and forth.

Surprisingly the newspaper boy bicycled his way down the street--no longer throwing any newspapers out--for his life. SteelJaw came to a halt beside the stop sign narrowing his yellow eyes after the boy. Is that what humans do for a living?, SteelJaw thought in anger, I'll show them!

SteelJaw throws the Newspaper after the boy.

"Now, I must get myself something else to scan." SteelJaw notes to himself, darting behind a big bush. A group of humans walk by just chatting away similar to a group of hens at a farmhouse feasting on little food. The exception is these humans are girls and just don't very much do what hens do.

SteelJaw saw a big monster truck rolling down the road blasting loud music.

The windows are rolled down so that is how the music is being heard.All of the windows are rolled down. The girls covered their ears, then turn towards the direction of the monster truck with matching frowns.It is as if they share a common relative a couple generations down their family tree's. But clearly, without this theory,these girls do not like loud booming music.

"Ah, perfect." SteelJaw said to himself.

What a fine time to pick the right disguise.

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