Even Small Mistakes Can Lead to Catastrophes

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Yamaguchi x reader

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Yamaguchi x reader


I laid on my back, head upside down while the lower half of my body was positioned on top of my sheets. I continued to stare at my messages awaiting Tadashi's response. Despite the fact that I was almost positive that his romantic feelings for me were nonexistent, I still built up the courage to invite him to a cafe. Sure, I implied it was just as friends, but a girl can dream, can't she? I laid in the same position, eyes glued to the message until my head began to hurt.

"Dammit! Why does he have to have practice?!" I whined before standing up. I placed my phone on my desk before I pulled out my sketchbook. I knew that if I kept staring at my screen it would make me overthink and obsess over it. I wished not to look like a desperate stalker.

I closed my eyes, breathing in while I tried to clear my mind of something so trivial. I opened them once again and began to sketch, letting my imagination run wild. The lovely melody of my lofi playlist plays in the background as the girl begins to take shape.

The hours tick by and yet my phone fails to go off and alert me of any notifications. Perhaps I need more friends. After a little while longer, I stretch my back, hearing satisfying pops as I sigh. Though I soon glare at my phone screen as there isn't even a text from my dear mother who was supposed to text me when dinner was ready.


I quickly dart over to my bed and open my phone only to be reached with disappointment.

Mom: Sorry hun. Guess I won't be back for the rest of the week. I have to work extra hours so I'll be staying at a hotel. I left an envelope on the counter. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I love you!

Me: Good luck and I love you too!

I closed it and finished shading my drawing of a little girl drowning in the ocean. For being such a creative person, I used it on such odd things.


Assuming it was my mother, I groggily grabbed my phone and opened it. To my surprise, it was Tadashi.

Tadashi: That sounds great! Where do you want to go?

Me: Why don't we make sundaes and watch a movie at my house?

Tadashi: Yeah! That sounds great. I'll be there by five.

Me: KK! See ya then.

Tadashi: Good night and sweet dreams!

Me: You too

My heart fluttered as I turned off my phone and placed it on top of my nightstand. I placed my glasses next to it before laying down. It was incredibly hard to sleep that night as excitement flowed through me like the river rapids. Even so, I was out cold once it reached four in the morning. My navy blue comforter was kindly casted away to the cold gray floor leaving my body flopped on my stomach with my limbs flailed out and my pillow sliding off the side of my bedside. My window was left wide open and the curtains followed the cold breeze that entered. I was so exhausted that the freezing air never woke me.

Haikyuu x Reader Angst OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now