Chapter 4

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Song for this chapter: 3 Doors Down-Let Me Be Myself

Despite everything, Enjolras must have fallen asleep eventually, because the next thing he knew, he was woken by someone unlocking the cell door. Judging by the sliver of light falling through the single narrow window across from him, it was late morning. He sat up with difficulty, his entire body sore from lying on the hard bench and shook Courf's shoulder to rouse him.
"Whassup?" Courf mumbled, still half asleep.
"Someone's coming. Either we're finally getting out of here or we're up for more interrogation."
"Let's hope it's the first one" Courf sighed, as he, too, heaved himself upright. Moments later, the cell door opened and the middle-aged officer from last night stuck his head in.
"Had a good night?" he asked with a smirk.
"Never slept better in my life" Courf replied, the sarcasm in his voice so thick you could have drowned in it. Enjolras dug him in the ribs to shut him up before he could make things worse for them with his sharp tongue and asked "What's going on, officer?"
"There's someone here to see you."
Courf immediately got to his feet, but the officer shook his head.
"Not you. He came for Monsieur Enjolras."
And turning back to Enjolras, he added "Well, come on, then."
"Don't worry, I won't leave you to rot in this cell" Enjolras whispered to his friend as he followed the policeman to the door.
"You'd better not" Courf whispered back fiercely.

As Enjolras trotted after the officer, he wondered who his visitor was. His father or the man whose number he'd given to Éponine yesterday? He sure hoped it was the latter. And for once, the universe seemed to be on his side, because the tall man awaiting him in the tiny visitors' room was indeed Justin Mathieu. He'd been the Enjolras family lawyer for years and so far, he'd gotten them out of every sticky situation. As usual, he was wearing a sharp suit and tie, which made Enjolras uncomfortably aware of how shabby he must look himself after his night in the cell.
"Well, well, I thought I'd been through everything with your family, but I must say prison's a first" Mathieu greeted him as he sat down. Meanwhile, the police officer stayed standing by the door like a silent, hulking guard dog.
"This whole thing has been blown out of proportion entirely" Enjolras replied. "Surely my friend explained that when she called you."
"Oh yes, she is a most charming young woman. Your girlfriend?"
Seriously? Out of all the things in the world, that was what Mathieu wanted to talk about right now?
"No" Enjolras said, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice. His freedom and that of his friends depended on this man, so he really couldn't afford to lose his temper.
"Pity. Anyway, let's cut to the chase. After your friend called me, I contacted your father."

Enjolras groaned internally. Why did the damn lawyer have to drag his father into this? That was exactly what he'd been trying to avoid by going to Mathieu directly.
"The good news is, we managed to get the police to drop all charges against you, thanks to your father's connections. So, you're free to leave with me" Mathieu went on.
"Wait, just me? What about my friends?"
"Your father made it very clear that he would only help you on the condition that your friends were not included in this... amnesty."
"Well, you can tell my father that I'm not going anywhere if the others aren't coming with me" Enjolras said firmly. There was no way in hell he was going to abandon the other Amis.

"Come now, Alexandre, don't be foolish. This is an opportunity no one in their right mind would pass up."
"I meant what I said. Either we all get out of here or no one does."
Mathieu sighed deeply, like he was dealing with a petulant child who was refusing to understand why it couldn't have the last biscuit.
"Alright, have it your way. I'll go and make a few calls, but don't get your hopes up."
Taking out his BlackBerry, he marched out of the room and left Enjolras and the officer alone.
"Handy to have such an influential father, eh?" the cop baited him. Enjolras didn't reply, too tense to join in his little head games. He knew that unless Mathieu was successful, him and the others were facing another night in that hole of a cell, and he really did not fancy the prospect.
After what seemed like hours, but was probably more like twenty minutes, the lawyer came back, his face impassive.
Enjolras hated himself for the desperation in his voice.
"So, you can take your bunch of misfits with you. Your father called in a favour from the chief of police. But let me tell you, he's not happy about it."
Relief filled Enjolras, and he felt like he could breathe properly for the first time since yesterday. Let his father be angry at him all he wanted. All that mattered was that they were getting out of here.

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