Just The Bodyguard

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I'd only known him for such a short space of time but there was something about him. I needed to know him, to know his lips.

I looked up at him as he placed his jacket around my shoulders, bringing my hair forward slightly.

"You good?" he asked. His voice, that voice that was music to my fucking ears. He had me wrapped around his finger and he didn't even know it.

"Yeah" I nodded my head slowly as his eyes looked down towards my lips. Kiss me, Mattia. I heard the voice going off in my head but lost hope when he turned to open the entrance doors.

"Ready?" he asked, turning to face me from the pouring rain. I nodded, reaching out and taking his hand. It felt right.

We stepped out into the rain, I lifted his jacket up to cover my head as he turned around to look at me.

"There's no cabs here yet" he shouted above the rain. I was mesmerised by the rain on his head, making his hair droop down in front of his brown eyes. The raindrops on his skin, sitting on his rosy red cheeks so perfectly.

"Athena?" he waved a hand in front of my face, causing me to snap back into reality.

"Come here" I said, pulling him into a sheltered space whilst we waited for more cabs to line up. I moved closer to him, trying to get further from the rain.


"So" I said, looking down at her "are you going to tell me what my Mom told you now or?"

I watched her smile to herself, laughing as she shook her head "she told me to keep it a secret, though". I rolled my eyes, throwing my arm around her shoulder as I pulled her closer towards me.

I'd noticed her staring at me throughout our whole time here and if I didn't know any better, the feelings I had were being reciprocated.

"You good?" I asked her for what must've been the fifth time. She laughed lightly, moving her face nearer to mine. I moved closer too, even though I knew exactly how badly it would end.

Our lips were inches apart, I felt the heat from her body radiating onto mine as I took a breath.

"Kiss me" she whispered. It was almost as if I saw green when I met her lips with mine. I wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her even closer and cupped her face with the other hand.

She kissed me back, keeping her hands on my jacket but lowering it back down to her neck. I felt her smile against my lips seconds before everything was ruined.


A camera flash went off in our faces and I felt my stomach drop as I pulled away from her. She shared the same horrified expression I had.

"Let's go" I said, placing my hand on her back and moving towards a cab "keep your head down"


I felt my stomach swirling with anxiety as the cab started and pulled away from the hospital. Mattia looked at me and placed his hand on mine but I moved it away quickly.

"Stop" I said "you're just the bodyguard"

His face dropped and his mouth opened a little but no words came out. I felt awfully guilty but I knew I'd probably just put his job at risk by putting my selfish desires first. There wasn't even a way out of this. For either of us.


"We're here" said Mattia, getting out of the cab and paying the driver. The whole ride was painfully silent with neither of us saying a word the whole way.

"You should go" I said, walking up to the mansion doors. I placed my hand on the doorknob as I turned to face Mattia.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about tonight" he said, facing the ground and letting his hands sink into his pockets.

"Don't be, it was my fault"

He shook his head, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. I watched him walk back towards the cab before entering my house, my hand shaking as I silently made my way upstairs.

It had just hit 6am. I was passing the shoot tomorrow, I'd have to stay home and face the consequences of my own actions instead. The consequences costing both Mattia and I.

I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. I'd completely lost all morals when I kissed Mattia. I'd forgotten about his job, my reputation, Joey.

But I couldn't help it, I'd never been this attracted to another person.

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