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I handed my keys to the valet guy and walked into the mansion, thanking the woman who held the door open for me.

I saw Athena's Dad standing next to the couch, hand in his pocket and the other clutching a newspaper. My stomach dropped when he turned to look in my direction, the same time my hands started sweating.

"M-Morning Sir" I stuttered, wiping the sweat from my brow with my finger. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, he already didn't like me.

"Are you alright? Why are you stuttering?" he asked. I shook my head as he dropped the paper on the coffee table.

"Just a habit" I said, plastering a smile on my face. He rolled his eyes, calling Athena downstairs. I peered over at the newspaper and read the headline.


They hadn't captured my face, just the back of my body but the picture was so blurry due to the rain.

Athena came downstairs, slowing her pace as she saw me standing next to her Father. She pressed her lips together when she noticed the newspaper on the table. Her eyes met mine but the expression on her face remained calm.

"Explain yourself" ordered her Dad, breaking the achingly painful silence. I watched her face slowly turn pale as she opened her mouth.

"I don't-"

"Don't play games with me, Athena Davidson!"

His voice made us both jump, I'd never heard someone yell so loud with so much anger in their tone.

"I'm sorry" she said quietly "I don't know what you want me to say, it's right there"

"What kind of attitude.." he shook his head in disappointment, picking up the paper and throwing it at the lit fireplace. Her hand flew to her mouth and my eyes grew wide.

He was so dramatic, it was strange how she hadn't adopted any of these traits her parents had.

"You have 24 hours" he said, walking towards her and pointing a finger in her face "to tell me who the man in that photo is and why the hell you were seen doing that"

I looked down as he left the room, slamming a door for added emphasis. Athena face palmed as her phone started ringing.

"Yes I'll be there, sorry" she said quickly, cutting the call and turning her phone off.

"I'm sorry-"

"You have nothing to be sorry for" she said, walking over to me and grabbing my hand. I furrowed my brows at our hands, I could've sworn she didn't want that yesterday after kissing me.

She lead me upstairs to her bedroom, it was almost as I'd imagined it. White walls with glass windows that began at the ceiling all the way to the ground. A breathtaking view of the city.

I stood by the windows, a hand in my pocket as she got ready. I didn't see a purpose in bringing me to her room if we weren't going to have a conversation.

"I'm ready" she said, smoothing down the gold dress as she gave me a small smile. I returned it, walking over to her bedroom door and holding open. She walked over to me, putting an earring in and titling her head to the side a little.

"You're not going to compliment me?" she asked, the corners of her pale pink lips curving upwards. I took a sharp intake of breath, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm just the bodyguard, remember?"

She hung her head in shame, wrapping her arms around her body as a frown appeared on her face. I felt guilty but I didn't like mixed signals, especially when they had my career at risk. I was in the wrong too but I wasn't the one who acted on my thoughts.

"Mattia, I didn't mean-"

"It doesn't matter what you meant, Athena" I said, letting her walk out and closing the door behind us.

"What matters is you coming up with a reason as to why my lips were on yours in that picture which is currently burning to shreds" I said. Her eyes went narrow as she stared up at me.

"I'm not telling them it was you" she said firmly "it wouldn't help anyone, I'll just say it was someone else, at least I won't have to see Joey anymore"

I followed her downstairs, holding open the front door as I noticed the limousine waiting for us. She had a business meeting yet she was arriving in that?

"Why wouldn't you wanna see Joey anymore? Aren't you two like the face of Hollywood?" I asked, opening her door for her. She scoffed, getting in the car as I took the seat next to her.

"We are, I hate it" she said, I pulled the screen down, separating us from the driver before any information was leaked.

"Tell me about it" I said, sitting back in my seat. She looked down at her dress, the frown returning to her face. Something was definitely going on.

"You can't tell anyone, Mattia"

"I won't"

She opened her mouth to speak but her eyes filled with tears and she began to cry, taking me aback because it was the last thing I expected.

"Come here" I said softly, going to sit next to her and pulling her towards me. She laid her head on my chest and cried for several minutes which only had me even more concerned.

"What is it, Athena?" I asked, rubbing her arm. She pulled away, her hand going to her shirt to pull it down from her shoulder. I looked at her skin to see it had turned a dark shade of purple.


She nodded, her eyes refilling with tears as my mouth opened slightly. I ran a hand through my hair, completely gobsmacked by this information.

"You can't tell anyone, Mattia" she repeated, becoming slightly more panicked.

"I won't" I lied, placing my hand on hers. I wouldn't out him to the public. But I would to him, in private. There was no way he'd be getting away with this.

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