Chapter 4: I ship it.

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In the morning, the rest of their group came, everyone piling out of cars, asking if Carl was alright.

"Guys! He's fine!" I yell.

"And who are you?!" A blond snaps, who I now know is Andrea.

I walk down the stairs, standing five feet away from her. "Danielle Grimes. Daughter of Rick and Lori. But you can call me Dani." I say, smirking after her eyes go wide.

I go down the line of people in front of me, meeting; Andrea, Dale, And Carol. Until I came to the description of what Maggie gave me.

"And you are?" I ask, standing right in front of him.

"Daryl." He grunts. I can already tell he's not a people person.

"I'm Dani." I say, sticking my hand out for him to shake, and he responds right after.


"Maggie, I ship it!" I say, sitting on my bed.

"Wha...? Ship what?" She chuckles.

"Hmm...." I say, thinking to myself, ignoring her. "I like the name, Maryl, or Daggie." I tease.

Her eyes go wide and she blushes. "Dani!" She whines.

"Oh stop! You guys would be cute together."

"Yeah whatever. Glani. Or Denn."

I start laughing. "What?! Me? And Glenn? Don't think so."

"Yeah right! Have you see the way he looks at you?!"

"Have you seen the way Daryl looks at you?" I say, teasing back.

"Yeah. He looks annoyed."

I laugh again. "Pfft. Sure."


"Bitch." I say.

(I'm sorry I had to put a supernatural reference in there!)

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