Chapter 14: Lost

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Danielle was back in her room. She was upset. She still wanted to die. After losing Dale, she didn't want to talk to anyone again. Dale was like her grandpa, he always knew what to say.

"Danielle, are you coming to the funeral with us?" Maggie wondered as she walked into Danielle's room.

"No." She's says bluntly. After Maggie left, she started crying. She was surprised she even had any more tears left.

After about an hour of crying, she finally thought that she should go down to camp. The whole time she walked, her back was slumped and her hands stayed at her side. She passed Maggie, she passed Daryl, she even passed her parents. She just wanted to see one person. The one person that makes her happy.

She saw Glenn walking away from Andrea, so she walked up to him and threw her arms around his neck, surprising Glenn, but he wrapped his arms around her waist anyways.

Lori and Rick were confused, but they had a bigger problem right now. Rick and Daryl have to go let Randall go.

"T-Dog, go get Randall." Rick says, going up the porch stairs to talk to Daryl.

Maggie was worried. For her best friend, and Daryl. He had to go out with Rick to drop off Randall. Her best friend won't barely talk to anyone, she was surprised to see Danielle even hug Glenn!

"Rick! He's gone!" T-Dog yells from the barn. Everyone ran quickly over to the barn, even Danielle.


"The cuffs are still locked, must've slipped 'em" Daryl says, making Danielle's eyes go wide.

"Is that even possible?" Carol asks, gripping onto Sophia.

"It is if you got nothing to lose." Andrea answers, walking over to Rick to ask him something, when they hear yelling from the woods.

"RICK!" Shane yelled. Danielle gasped when he saw his face. Blood dripping down from his nose.

"Are you alright?" Carl asks him, but Shane just passed him.

"Little bastard snuck up on me, clocked me in the face! With my own gun!" Shane yells. Danielle didn't seem to believe him.

"Alright, Glenn, Daryl, you go together and look for Randall that way, Danielle, you come with me and Shane. Everyone else, get back to the house." Rick commands.

"Well wasn't this the plan? Just let him go?" Carol cries.

"Yeah, miles away from here, not on our doorstep with a gun." Danielle snaps, surprising everyone.

"Let's go."

* * *

Danielle thought the field was surprisingly peaceful where her, Shane, and Rick were. That is, until she got a barrel of a gun to her head.

Shane was holding Danielle in a chokehold, a gun to her head as Rick was yelling at Shane.

"This is how you planned to do it? Kill me and my daughter?! Screw my wife, have my children call you daddy, is that what you want?!" Rick yelled, tears falling from his eyes as he daughter was being held by his crazy best friend.

"You got a weak boy. You got a emotionless daughter. No one will miss either of you." Shane sneers at Rick, pushing the gun harder onto Danielle's head.

"Shane just put-" Rick tries to negotiate with Shane, but it doesn't work. Shane hits Danielle with the butt of his gun, blinding her vision and making her ears ring. She couldn't hear as she fell to the ground.

She heard the sound of a gunshot, then Rick crying.

Rick grabs Danielle quickly, telling her that Shane was dead. She understood, leaning against him and wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

Danielle still couldn't hear well as Carl came into her vision, aiming a gun up at them. "Carl, don't." She pleaded, her voice hoarse and rough. She heard the gunshot and was waiting to drop with her father, but she didn't. She heard the drop of a body behind her.

Shane turned.

They started walking as Danielle started to get her vision and hearing back. And when she got it back, she heard the groans.

She turned quickly, seeing many walkers behind them. "Uh, guys!"

Rick and Carl quickly turned, seeing the walkers as both of their eyes go wide. "Go go go go go!" Rick whispers, running as they crouch lower, running into the barn.

"Dad, I have to go help everyone." Danielle says, hearing the cries of people. "I have to go before the walkers reach the farm!"

"Danielle no-"

"I'm going!" Danielle whispers, climbing up the ladder. "I love you."

She climbs through the window quickly, dodging walkers. She saw many of the cars leaving, making her wonder who was left. She ran up the stairs of the farm, looking through the windows.

"Help!" She heard the cry of a little girl in the house. She quickly ran into the house, seeing Sophia being surrounded by three walkers. Danielle quickly stabbed all the walkers, bringing Sophia into a hug.

"Go grab your backpack, we gotta get out of here." Danielle quickly runs up the stairs with Sophia, grabbing her own backpack and snapping the clip in the front so it wouldn't fall off, then grabbing her duffle bag as she meets Sophia downstairs.

"Let's go!" Sophia pleads. Danielle quickly goes into the living room, looking through all the drawers until she found what she was looking for.

She ran back to Sophia, wrapping the belt around Sophia tightly, then placing the knife in her hand.

"This is for you. If I die, do not look back, do you hear me? Just keep running." Danielle commands, and Sophia nods quickly. "Okay, let's go." They both run outside together, but they we're too late. The last car, well truck, left. Danielle sighs, looking around to see the walkers closing in on them, the only way was to go into the woods.

"Run! Come on!" Danielle yells, grabbing Sophia's hand as they run into the woods. Away from the farm.

Away from their Safe Haven.

* * *

Glenn was gripping the steering wheel of the car tightly. Carol was worried about him as she kept glancing at him.

Glenn's knuckles started to turn white as they followed Daryl and Maggie on Daryl's bike to the highway.

"She'll be there. She was with Rick."

"How could you know that, Carol?" Glenn snaps, then apologizing after seeing the look on Carols face.

"Cause I have to pray that my little girl and her are okay."

Glenn pulled up to the group, his heart dropping as he sees that Danielle wasn't there. They both get out, Carol crying to see that her daughter wasn't there.

"Wh-Where's Danielle?" Glenn questions. His voice shaky as his hands gripped to fists tightly.

Rick shook his head, looking down at the road. He looked back up, only to have tears in his eyes.

"She ran off when we got to the barn. She said she was going to help you guys. None of us saw her after that." His voice was shaky as he carefully spoke. Lori's and Carl's eyes filled with tears again, as Carl gripped onto his mom tight.

Glenn couldn't speak. Tears fell from his eyes as sobs racked throughout his body. He placed his head into his hands, trying to quiet his cries, but he couldn't. His legs gave out from under him as he collapsed to the ground, crying and crying. She was gone.

And no one spoke.

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