I'm Sorry

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Dear whoever is reading this, i deeply apologize for not writing anything on this book for over a year.

I have been having a hard time writing since both of my grandpas passed, and my family has had the worst luck with everything since then.

My mom had gotten sick, and has been sick since 2013, and they still haven't figured out all of the different things wrong with her.

When one of my grandpas passed away, we were living by my other grandparents, four hours away with a crappy car that couldn't get us to the funeral. That day I had my first panic attack.

That started a whole different side of my life. I developed very bad anxiety but not until two weeks ago did I figure out what I had.

When my other grandpa died, the one i was more close to, and the one we lived next door to passed away, that honestly almost killed me. That made my anxiety go even more crazy.

We finally moved back to where we used to live, and my anxiety started to worsen here because I've started to get dreams every night of people close to me dying, and those feel so real that when I wake up I get bad panic attacks.

And now, my family is having trouble with money cause my mom can't work and my dads job doesn't pay too well, and my big brother can't get a job cause we don't have a good working car, again, and my dad gets to his job only by his work truck.

But, the good news is that my mom might get disability, so we could get money from that, then we could get a good working car, and then I plan on getting a job as well to help out. And, I've been feeling a lot better with my anxiety because I met someone who is honestly the love of my life, and he makes me a lot happier than I used to be.

I'm sorry for ranting, but the reason i made this is to tell you all that because I'm feeling happier, I am going to start writing this again.

Thank you all, for supporting this book and being patient.

Love, Paytee

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