Chapter 12: Coward

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Glenn felt like a piece of him was gone for some reason. Maybe it was because Danielle just wouldn't talk. Wouldn't talk to him. Wouldn't talk to anyone. She was upset. She was lost.

Glenn was scared. He was in the bar, hiding with Rick and Hershel from the men outside. He didn't want to die. Not without telling Dani how he felt. How much he loved her. If he was dying, sure he would tell her. But not now. Glenn just can't tell her how he feels.

Back at the farm, Danielle was in her room. She wouldn't really even move. She was leaned against the headboard, just staring off into the distance. Maggie would check on her time to time, but she never moved a muscle.

Maggie was worried about her best friend. She told Danielle that Glenn and Rick left to go get Hershel, but she didn't answer. Maggie had other problems too though, especially with Beth. She wasn't answering either. The only person that she actually cared about that was talking to her was Daryl.

Glenn felt like a coward. He had hid behind a dumpster for his own safety, for Danielle. He didn't want to die, not telling her how he felt. But him hiding almost got her own father killed, and her best friends dad killed.

He was now sitting in the truck with Rick and Hershel, and Randall in the backseat. He was ashamed, almost killing both of them for selfish reasons. He was currently staring at his hands that were rested in his lap.

"You okay?" Rick asks Glenn suddenly. Rick was surprised to how Glenn was acting. Usually he's talking all the time, but not now.

"Not really. Can I uh, tell you something?" Glenn wonders. He was nervous to say the least. He was talking to Danielle's dad, Glenn was in love with Dani, and Rick was a scary guy to Glenn when he wanted to be.

"Is this about Dani?" Rick chuckles, shocking Glenn. How could he know that?


"How did I know that? Glenn, I can see it in your eyes." Rick says, chuckling at Glenn.

"While we were at the bar, I realized something. I didn't want to die. So I hid. I didn't want to die with telling Dani how I felt." Glenn sighs in shame, placing his head in his hands.

"And how do you feel?"

"I'm in love with your daughter." Glenn blurts out. Rick was surprised, but he knew it anyways. He could see the way Glenn looks at her, the way he acts around her.

* * *

Danielle was suddenly standing up from her bed. As she walked slowly down the stairs, everyone looked at her, shocked. Maggie tried to talk to her, but she didn't answer. Danielle grabbed her gun, then her bow, throwing it onto her back as she walked out of the house.

She walked into the woods quietly, trying to find a nice and spacious field for her to just relax in.

She finally found it. The sun shone through the trees, the blue and pink flowers filled the whole field. Danielle was surprised that the flowers were still alive, but she didn't think it mattered. She walked to the middle of the field, sitting down criss-cross as she laid her bow down next to her.

She started to cry. After she started, she couldn't stop. The tears were falling in complete sobs. She wanted to die. She didn't want to live anymore.

What was there to live for? Her best friend was dead. Ella was probably dead. Everyone she loves was going to die.

Then she started thinking about Glenn. She started crying as she thought that he will die too. She needed to die before them. She didn't want to be in anymore pain.

She slowly grabbed her gun from its holster, staring at it for a while.

She was out there for hours. Crying, then staring at her gun. She left the farm at night, and now the sun was rising again.

Danielle raised he gun slowly to the side of her head, tears falling from her face. She places her finger on the trigger, closing her eyes tightly.


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