Chapter 15: Eight Months

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Eight months. Eight months since Danielle and Sophia have seen the group. It was surprising how much they have changed. Sophia's hair was longer, they were both tanner, but they were dirtier. Dirt and blood was matted in their hair from the walkers, dirt and sweat always glistened on their skin.

It was hard to even recognize them anymore. But they were doing good. Never stayed in a spot for too long. They were currently staying in a small cabin, just big enough for them to sleep.

But they were staying there too long. It was time to go. Danielle grabbed her backpack and put it on her back, clipping the little clip that was in the front that rested on her stomach so it wouldn't fall off, as Sophia scavenged through the cabinets, throwing anything they could use into her backpack.

Sophia looked at Danielle, nodding at her that she was ready. Danielle motioned with her fingers at the two walkers that were walking towards the cabin as she slowly opened the front door.

Sophia nodded at her, telling her that she could one and Danielle could get the other. Sophia raised her crossbow that she had found a while back, shooting the walker as Danielle got the other.

They retrieved their arrows, then walking down the road quietly. Danielle taught Sophia how to survive quietly and quickly. Go in and out during runs. She taught her about how you could quiet your footsteps, even your breathing. They were a good duo.

Sophia took of her sweatshirt, quickly shoving it in her backpack as she realized her white tank top was red in many spots. She groaned so quietly not even Danielle could hear her. "We need new clothes." She tells Danielle, hoping they could look for clothes once they settle in a house soon.

Danielle looks down at her leather jacket, now realizing the many rips and tears in it. "Yes we do." Danielle looks around her, seeing a car. "Here." She walks over to the hood of the car, opening her backpack to grab the map.

"We could go down this road here, try to find a place to stay for awhile, there is a small town a couple miles away from the road. That's where we find clothes." Danielle points and explains, Sophia nodding to everything she says.

Danielle puts the map back as they start walking down the empty road again. Neither of them spoke for awhile, they both felt a comfortable silence around them. This is what they needed. A little peace, even if it was just for a couple minutes,

* * *

Danielle and Sophia walked down the street carefully. They were passing a couple of buildings on their right, and a forest on the left. As they were walking Sophia suddenly spoke.

"You hear that?"

Danielle listened carefully, the sound of a car engine came into her ears as the car turns onto the road in front of them, making them aim their bows.

Until two familiar faces get out of the car.

"Dad!" Danielle cried as she ran quickly to her dad, bringing him into a bear hug as Sophia surprisingly hugged Daryl. Danielle surprisingly has tears in her eyes as she pulled back from the hug. "Is mom okay? Carl?"

Ricks eyes fell as she mentioned Lori. Danielle's eyes widen as tears sprung to her eyes, sobs racking throughout her body. "Oh god." She hugs her father again, except more tightly. "What about Glenn?"

"He-He's fine. Let's go." They all got in the car quickly, Sophia smiling slightly at Danielle as they drove through the prison gates.

Maggie's eyes widened as she saw Danielle get out of the car. She ran to her best friend quickly, jumping on her, pushing them both onto the ground as he hugged her tightly.

After they hugged and after Carl hugged Sophia, he wrapped his arms around his sister tightly, gripping onto her like she was about to leave again.

Danielle pulled away from the hug slowly, smiling down at Carl, until she heard the prison doors open, her eyes meeting him. Even though she was farther away, she could recognize him anywhere.

His eyes go wide when they land on her, his heart beating faster and faster, his body shaking.

"Oh my god."

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