Untitled Part 3

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READABILITYGhost Hunt Novel Translation


Dec. 1st, 2008 at 8:39 PM
In case you haven't reread , you might want to take a look at the ending. helped me fix some glitches in the translation at the end (thank you!)

Translating from Japanese takes forever, so I'm going to post by parts instead of chapters now. That way = faster updates

Unfortunately nothing that great happens in these parts (all the interesting stuff starts in part 5).

I Can't Sleep Due to the Abundance of Evil Spirits


The next day, all of us were facing Yuasa High School. The team was made of seven people: me, Naru, Lin-san, Bou-san, Masako, Ayako, and John.

However, it was at Naru's request that everyone had gathered here today. I wonder if they have a lot of free time... It's hard to imagine, but is it because of Naru's popularity?

Naru entered our small conference room and started to explain the circumstances. So far, our tasks seemed simple.

"Anyway, there are a large number of incidents, so we can't spend much time on every one of them. Just try to exorcise as many as possible, and if that's ineffective we'll think of another plan."

"John and Bou-san, go here, okay?"

Naru passed the memo regarding the cursed desk victim's hospitalization to them.

"If a spirit is there, do you want us to exorcise it?"

Naru nodded to John in response. The foreigner's hair was a fair, gold color, and his eyes were blue like the sky. When we first met, he spoke with a Kansai accent. (At that time I thought if he were to keep talking that way, it'd be like listening to a different kind of Japanese.)

"And now, Hara-san."

"Please just call me by my first name, Masako. I don't mind."

The clad-in-kimono Masako smiled with her round, red, doll-like lips.

"Always making that request."

Who was that, that voice just now.

It seems like Masako really likes Naru. Someone with a graceful appearance. Someone with strong attacks. Other than Masako, the only other person capable of such a sarcastic remark is...

Naru let out a small sigh.

"Please take a look around the school. For the time being, perform an exorcism in the art preparation room. Afterwards, do the same thing for the seat that's causing accidents and for the locker room in the track and field team. Matsuzaki-san, please accompany her. If you encounter any spirits, please exorcise them."

"I wanted you to call me by my first name too, but you didn't care, remember?" Ayako pressed.

Naru's cold gaze met with hers.

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