Untitled Part 14

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Ghost Hunt Novel Volume 3 Chapter 5 part 4August 24th, 2020Ghost Hunt Novel Volume 3 Chapter 5 part 4
Translated by Hermina05 from Ruthless Nights Scans on August 24, 2020.
Not proofread.

"It's here..."
I raised my head and looked up at the ceiling where Naru was staring.
"What's wrong? Is it Lin-san?"
While I said that, I noticed that Naru looked nervous. He reached out to me while still staring at the ceiling.
"Mai, no matter what happens, stay close to me. And stay calm."
My heart started racing.
No way... It's here...
I heard noises coming from above and then a figure broke the darkness of this place.
It's her...!
"It's okay. It can't get much stronger in just a day or two. It won't hurt us. Don't panic."
There was something white on the ceiling. Slowly a woman's forehead became visible upside down and it felt like it was phosphorescent.
As she slid down, her glowing eyes became visible and there was a stick in her mouth. A wooden stick about 30 cm long. It looked like a flute.
The woman steadily slid further and further down with her hands by her side. Then when she was out to her waist, she smiled.
After that the woman touched the stick in her mouth, grabbed it and began to pull it out slowly.
I was about to stand up, but Naru stopped me.
No. The thing the woman was pulling out of her mouth was actually... a sickle...
As she pulled it out the blade cut her lower lip and red stains of blood ran down her cheek, eye and forehead then dripped down from her dark hair.
No, no, no! I don't want to see this!
I screamed in my head but couldn't even blink. She finally pulled it all out. With the torn lips, she smiled like a demon. She held the sickle stained with her own blood and hung there.
I had cold sweat all over my body. The terror was rising up in me, but if I screamed then it was all over so I clenched my teeth.
No. I can't... so dizzy...
As I thought that, a strong arm grasped mine.
When I gathered myself, I saw Naru's profile who was still staring at the woman intently.
"It's all right."
Naru repeated. His calm voice was devoid of anxiety or fear.
"I'm scared."
"It's all right." Naru said again.
When I answered, Naru's narrowed eyes opened a little more.
At Naru's words I started listening intently. The sound of someone approaching in the grass. The woman disappeared from the ceiling.
Naru sighed.
The light coming in from the opening above was blocked by a shadow.
"Naru, are you there?"
"Yes, here."
The shadow of the person looked into the hole.
"That was fast. We need a rope of a ladder"
"All right. Just a moment."
"And a flashlight."
Lin-san's shadow disappeared.
Amazing... I don't know why but...
I felt really relieved and sat back down.
Thank God it's over...
Lin-san returned with a ladder and a rope shortly and I could hear the voices of Bou-san and John. The three of them let down the rope that was used in emergencies and I was finally able to get out of that hole.
As I got out, I took a deep breath. John seemed worried but smiled and looked down.
Naru turned on the light down there. The yellow light swept through the rubble and something white flickered in the corner. Naru approached it and picked it up.
At my voice, he looked up and showed what he found.
"Mai, it was here."
What Naru had in his hand was a doll shaped figure. A hitogata.

Ghost Hunt Vol #3Where stories live. Discover now