Untitled Part 7

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READABILITYGhost Hunt Novel Translation


Feb. 6th, 2009 at 11:21 PM
Lots of technical stuff. It goes into more detail this time.

I Can't Sleep Due to the Abundance of Evil Spirits
(3) Will-O-Wisp

Part 2

Naru lightly tapped the table with his finger. "I don't know whether or not Kasai-san's situation is related to this case..."

Ayako leaned towards him. "Well, how much faith do you place on that child, Kasai?"

"I believe her."

"Heh." Ayako's cruel eyes flashed. "Well I think she's lying. Please, as if she can actually bend spoons."


"Isn't spoon bending fake?"

I asked, "It's not, right? Spoon bending isn't just a magic trick."

I wasn't sure though. But it's probably safer to ask Ayako instead of Bou-san or John.

"What about it?" I asked.

John nodded. "Right. Uri Geller started spoon bending. Uri Geller is the best psychic of the century...his supernatural powers were shown to the public. He had PK, clairvoyance, and prediction abilities similar to that of a prophet. He made the impossible possible. Geller was everywhere when it came to spoon bending. All the children saw him do it too."

"Um, you mean the Gellerini?

"Yes, that's right. But the Gellerini had unstable powers. When they lost their powers, they would rely on magic tricks. Some of them were exposed as cheaters.

"I see."

"Because of that, some people began to doubt Geller's ability."

"They doubted Uri Geller?"

"Yeah. At that time, America's Society of Parapsychology had publicly announced that Uri Geller was a fake. That incident left such a strong impression on people that everyone now believes spoon bending is fake."

"But John, did you think Uri Geller's powers were real?"

John put on a tired smile. "Not really... It's just, he was too showy. At any rate, they were just *illusions that garnered more attention than they deserved."

(T/N: John says "illusion" in *English)


"Um...basically it's accomplished by using lots of magic tricks. Like making airplanes and trucks disappear."

"Ah, I get it now."

Listening in, Bou-san leaned towards us. "I think Geller was a fake too."

"Why?" I asked.

"Hmm. Psychic ability...if it's the ability of sensing hidden things, hearing noises, or seeing things, then that's the ability to sense things that shouldn't be there. Geller was well-received at first, but he was later in a bind. He could do everything, but there was still something strange about him," the monk admitted.

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