Untitled Part 4

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READABILITYGhost Hunt Novel Translation


Dec. 20th, 2008 at 4:47 PM
Most of this section is only found in the novel. It's mostly more speculation on what's going on in the school. I'm not sure if I translated Naru's science talk right though.

I Can't Sleep Due to the Abundance of Evil Spirits


When Naru and I returned to the conference room, we heard lively voices from inside. Everyone had returned.

"Did they just come back from exorcising?" I asked casually.



"I have a favor to ask of you."

...F-f-f-f-f-favor?! Naru wants a favor from meeeee?!

"...P-, please go on."

"About my bending the spoon earlier."


"Keep it a secret from everybody."

"Why? It was amazing."

"Please. Especially from Lin."

...Wha. O-okay. But why?

I really want to ask him about the details. But Naru looked truly worried, so I decided to let the matter drop.

"Of course," I assured him.

It's not bad to have the upper hand for once. I'm grateful, Naru.

Light-headed, I bowed slightly, while Naru opened the door to the conference room. For a moment, he looked like his real age. But just as quickly, the expression reverted back to his beautiful, emotionless state.

Inside, Ayako and Bou-san were in the middle of a lover's quarrel.

"Why are you so incapable and useless?" asked Bou-san.

"How am I useless!"

As usual, their relationship seemed good.

"What's the problem?" Naru asked as Ayako looked the other way.

"...What's wrong?" I absently asked Taka and Bou-san in a cheerful voice as I turned to face them.

"Instead of helping out, this idiot is doing nothing but standing around, not to mention trying to run away as well."

"Where did you guys go?" I asked.

"The room with the poltergeist."


"Hold on a sec', Ayako, you're being reckless as usual, aren't you," I remarked.

Ayako shot a cold glare at me. "It's not a joke! It was scary! Because I was like hey, and then Masako said that nothing was there..."

"Just to be on the safe side, shouldn't we exorcise all of them, since we don't know what to expect?"

"If only she weren't such a flirt. Anyway, it's because Masako said nothing was there," Ayako grumbled as she faced John.

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