Untitled Part 12

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Ghost Hunt:Volume3 Chapter5

Status: Incomplete

20% completed (estimated)

Chapter 5 - Hitogata[]1[]

I searched for everyone first. The group of psychics was currently investigating around the gymnasium. John materialized from beneath the gym's floor precisely when I had found Ayako and run up to her.

"John! Isn't it muddy in there!?"

"Well..." As soon as John came crawling out from the narrow air vent on all fours, he got up with a troubled expression. "It's no good. There's nothing here as well."

Ayako and Masako sighed in unison.

Bou-san also came crawling out after John.

"Does it really exist? A hitogata, I mean."

I told the doubtful Ayako about the discovered hitogata from the demon's seat and track-and-field clubroom. Everyone pondered.

"So it's Enmi after all...? Can't be helped then." Bou-san groaned and surveyed us. "We're done under this floor. Seeing as there's nothing in here, it might be somewhere on campus. We've got no choice but to split up and search thoroughly."

Ayako cried out, "Seriously, why must I do something so unseemly!? My clothes will get dirty, and my nails will break too."

"Well, we're on the same boat."

"Oh, I don't want to be like you. How much do you think these clothes cost? It's *Inge after all. I can't possibly get a cleaning fee from this school, can I?"

"Oh my, it isn't only wool that will need one," Masako sarcastically said. "My clothes are made of some kind of silk." She looked down at her kimono. "It's worse to wear such a thing in this sort of place. I can't move, and I have to use my *ki."

Masako also grew indignant when she was told by the body-conscious and high-heeled Ayako.

Because the two women had started quarreling about what they're wearing, I decided to throw a shocking fact about that guy. "By the way, Naru said he's not an onmyouji."

They halted in an instant.

See? The uproar subsided.

"Naru's... not an onmyouji, you said? "

"Yeah. He said the onmyouji is Lin-san."

"No way."

"I'm telling the truth."

Bou-san leaned in towards me. "Then what is he? What is Naru useful for?"

"I don't know, but isn't he always useful?"

"That's true. But is that what he does? He's in charge of mental work, and we're responsible for manual labor..."

"Isn't that how it should be?"

We looked like foolish *cross-talk comedians from somewhere.

"Why must I be used by someone who can't even do an exorcism all by himself?"

Couldn't it be because Naru's smarter than you?

"Oh, so am I!"

Well, Ayako was the kind of person who's exploited when she's in love.

"Now, now." As his habit, it was John who handled the situation. "Shibuya-san is a parapsychologist after all. Since he's the one and only legitimate researcher here, don't we balance him?"

Ghost Hunt Vol #3Where stories live. Discover now