Untitled Part 13

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Ghost Hunt Novel Volume 3 Chapter 5 part 3August 17th, 2020Ghost Hunt Novel Volume 3 Chapter 5 part 3
Translated by Hermina05 from Ruthless Nights Scans on August 17, 2020.
Not proofread.

I landed on my back and the pain made me realize I was conscious. As I looked up, I saw a white circle. That is the opening of the hole, right? Looking at it like this, it's not that far up. I could have just jumped down.
I slowly got up. It was throbbing everywhere but I seemed to be fine. At the same time, something in the shadow next to me moved too.
"Are you all right?"
Ah. Naru.
"Yes... Naru, you fell too?"
"If you had let go of my hand, I wouldn't have fallen."
How mean...
"What about you, Naru? Are you all right?"
"Think about your weight first..."
Naru was crouched and pressing a hand to his shoulder.
"Are you in pain? Where does it hurt?"
"You're noisy"
Well... sorry.
I looked around. It was a small space with concrete walls. I found pieces of concrete and metal bars scattered around. Scary. We both fell at the small part of the ground where there was no such rubble. If we had fallen on those scattered all over the place...
I turned around in the dark. Above us was the manhole from which the remains of the ladder descended. It broke off less than a meter from the hole. When I tried the steps, it broke immediately, even though I did not use much force. The height of the ceiling was more than 4 meters. It would be impossible to climb up on this ladder.
"Hey Naru! Someone will come to help us soon, right?"
I looked back to Naru who was still crouching and holding his shoulder.
"Won't they...?"
His face was pale when he looked up and his hair was stuck to his forehead.
"Which one?!"
"Did you tell anyone you were coming here?"
"I didn't"
"Me neither"
Oh, right...
"So we are stuck here?"
"Don't be like that"
I looked up at the broken ladder above us.
"If we had something to step on, we could climb out, right?"
"Does your arm hurt a lot...?"
"Shut up"
But the ladder was way too corroded to be of any use and even if I stood on Naru's head, I would not be able to reach the hole.
What should we do now?
Until someone finds us, we are stuck here?
What to do? We were in the middle of a huge vacant lot. No one would hear us even if we screamed.
I tried to scream. The voice bounced off the walls. After the echo stopped, the only thing I could hear was the breeze above us.
No water...
And of course, no food either...
My eyes got hot with unshed tears.
It's my fault. What to do?
"What can we do?"
At my voice, Naru raised his head.
"Do you see any option here?"
"I don't..."
"What were you doing here?"
His voice was plain. I rushed to explain. Naru was listening to me with his eyes closed. And
"It seems Mai is being targeted as well"
A child was inside the hole. But there is no one here now.
It couldn't have been a human. I couldn't see the bottom of the hole because it was too dark. So why did I see the child clearly?
I shivered involuntarily.
There were ghosts at this school. They are evil spirits and we are their targets. They are called Enmi.
Tears spilled out of my eyes. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't stop them.
"You think crying is going to change anything?"
I heard Naru's emotionless voice.
"It won't."
"Then don't cry."
"You're so cold."
"Say something intelligent."
"You're so cold! What if we die here?!"
It was almost nighttime already and that child will appear again. This time, it will absolutely try to cause damage. Also, Naru was being targeted as well. What should we do if along with this child, that woman appeared too?!
Ah, I'm taking it out on him. I know that, but I can't stop.
Naru just stayed silent.
He didn't even turn to me. This heartless guy.
Give me back my youth. I don't want to die working at a part-time job at a place like this! Yes, it's all because of Naru. Because he's here, I wanted to be beside him, so I started this job... I work here to get closer to Naru...? Wait.
This situation. The two of us are alone in the dark. Oh my, how lucky.
Naru suddenly smirked.
"Are you feeling better?"
Naru smiled. Ah, when it reaches his eyes, it makes him look like the Naru in my dreams.
"You noticed that I was feeling better?"
"Yes. First, you get depressed. Then you get angry and after that you start to feel better and think positive."
"Is it really that obvious?"
"Yes. It's written all over your face."
Naru smiled.
I see. Am I really that easy to read? So embarrassing.
I covered my face involuntarily.
Naru called and I raised ma head. Naru had a 500 yen coin in his hand.
"Should I introduce you to my pet?"
Naru was looking at the coin. Pet...? That coin? You-.
Naru dipped the coin.
Is this some kind of joke? If so, then you should stop, Naru. You are not funny.
"Don't be stupid"
"I am not."
"He runs away from bad people"
Naru raised the coin.
"Here, come out."
As soon as he called, the coin peaked out from between his fingers.
Hey. Even I can do that.
The coin retreated into his hand immediately.
"Oh, do you not like Mai?"
"What are you talking about?"
"He hid."
"It's in your hand..."
Really? Naru opened his hand and it was empty.
"Eh? It should be there!"
"But it's not. I forgot to tell you. He has a special skill. Teleportation."
"No. You hid it!"
"I did not."
Naru showed both his hands and turned them. It was not there.
"Hey, come."
Naru called and it appeared between his thumb and index finger.
As soon as Coin-kun appeared, he hid in Naru's fist and Naru talked to him.
"This girl might seem impatient and hot tempered but she won't eat you."
As he spoke, the coin appeared behind his thumb again.
It quickly withdrew.
"He got scared because you raised your voice and he hid again."
"No, it's not my fault"
"Come out"
Naru called out while searching for the coin.
"Got you."
It was around Naru's elbow. When he patted, the coin appeared again.
"This child knows who is gentle and who is not."
"You are lying."
Naru can't be gentler than me!
"Really? All right then, go to Mai."
As he said that, he threw Coin-kun. I was trying to catch him... but he was not there. He disappeared.
"Naru, you're messing around! You didn't really throw it!"
Oh? Naru flipped his hands over but Coin-kun was not there.
"Eh? But how?!"
"Mai is scary."
That's not true. Hm? Are you serious?
This is... a magic trick...
Naru pulled the coin from behind his collar.
"Nice..." I said.
"Hey, it's a magic trick?"
"Is that what you think?"
What do you mean? Naru looks back at the coin. Then
Ah! The coin spoke...!
"Is Mai scary?"
Naru asked and a high, childlike voice answered.
"See, he's scared."
"You don't have to be afraid. Mai isn't as scary as she looks."
You can make him saw what you want, right?
Isn't this ventriloquism? Amazing.!
Even though I knew it was not real, it sounded like the coin was really talking!
I often see it on TV. Someone is making a doll speak. It's not nice to say this, but those don't even compare to this!
Naru threw the coin and this time it landed on my lap.
Naru laughed faintly.
"Show me some more.
"I can't."
Naru leaned against the wall.
"I can't do anything more complicated today."
"Does your arm hurt...?"
"I don't have my tools."
He said that but he looked rather pale.
Stop it. If it hurts then just say that it hurts.
"Hey, if I used your arm... would you get angry?"
I could use Naru as stepping stone.
"I would."
After saying that in a sly tone, he muttered softly.
"Don't worry. I don't know about the others, but Lin will find us here."
"Yes. The sun is setting. At the very least Lin will be suspicious if we don't show up when everyone is gathering. It will be all right."
As he said that, he leaned back against the rubble. He closed his eyes then frowned and looked up at the ceiling suddenly.

Ghost Hunt Vol #3Where stories live. Discover now