Untitled Part 15

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Ghost Hunt Novel Volume 3 Chapter 5 part 5August 31st, 2020Ghost Hunt Novel Volume 3 Chapter 5 part 5
Translated by Hermina05 from Ruthless Nights Scans on August 31, 2020.
Not proofread.

Forty or so hitogata dolls were found in the hole. According to Bou-san, it was either a water tank or a waste tank.
All of them were brought up and taken to the meeting room to be checked. We found one with the name Kouzou Yoshino. Among them were some new ones with the names Kazuya Shibuya and Mai Taniyama.
While checking the dolls, Ayako got out the first aid kit and applied medicine to the scratches on my body.
Bou-san looked at all the hitogatas piled up on the table,
"Amazing... that this person made so many."
"The culprit is a woman. There's no question about that."
Ayako pointed out.
"Hey, wait, why is that?"
"It has to be a woman. With such an obsessive trait."
"Oh, but recently there are also guys who go to such extremes."
"There are, huh?"
Bou-san shrugged at Ayako's declaration.
"So? Does this mean that the zuso has become more powerful?"
I looked back at Naru and he nodded.
"Yes. Now we have to put these into water... or burn them."
"But... who is the culprit?
It is over once we purify these. But the person behind this should be stopped, right?
Naru sighed.
"They won't stop. Something must be done..."
The culprit who did this curse.
We have to stop them. Such an evil and stupid thing to do.
Bou-san glanced at the dolls.
"The problem is, the culprit can be anyone."
Naru muttered and sank into his seat.
"Naru, you're hurt too, right? Let me see."
Ayako, just like a nurse, carried the first-aid kit over.
"No... no need to."
"You'll be in trouble if it gets infected."
Naru smirked at Ayako's big sister tone then closed his eyes and sank even lower.
"Oh, good boy."
Ayako stood next to him to apply the medicine and suddenly,
She leaned down to look at Naru. She reached out to shake his shoulder.
At her uneasy tone we all turned to look at him.
Ayako shook his shoulder a bit harder and Naru started to fall to the side.
Lin-san rushed over and caught him before his body hit the ground.
Masako screamed.
"Hey, Naru!"
Ayako approached them and reached out but Lin-san swatted her hand away.
"Please don't move him. Call an ambulance."
John left the room.

We came to Yuasa High School to hunt ghosts. Whether Naru was sick or injured, we must continue our job.
Lin-san accompanied Naru and we were left to take care of the dolls. Masako and Ayako both wanted to follow but reluctantly agreed when Bou-san made his point.
While we were putting all the dolls in one corner of the schoolyard, my mind kept wondering.
What to do, Naru?
He didn't seem hurt. But maybe he hit his head or back when he fell. Or his shoulder?
In any case, it was my fault.
If I hadn't been so rush, Naru wouldn't have had to come save me. If I had let go of his hand, he would not have fallen.
It's definitely my fault.
Bou-san lighted the stack of dolls. Since they were damp, they did not burn well, but released a huge amount of smoke.

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