Untitled Part 8

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READABILITYGhost Hunt Novel Translation


Mar. 1st, 2009 at 12:29 AM
Kasai-san and Mai are closer in the novel...

I Can't Sleep Due to the Abundance of Evil Spirits
(3) Will-O-Wisp

Part 3

As everyone left to do their exorcisms, I stayed in the conference room. I was alone and bored... Before I realized it, it was already evening. Dusk had come. The sounds of sweeping and cleaning continued for some time. Eventually there was no sign of students. With all the sounds gone, the school had really become a lonely place. I unintentionally thought about the dream I had. It was definitely about this school. The dark labyrinth. A place covered with will-o-wisps. What kind of spirits were they?


I don't know. But it was just a dream. Um, how should I think about this? On the other hand, whoever is guiding me in my dreams can't exist (The Naru in my dreams comes out, talks to me and watches over me. Plus, he's always smiling). I really should get a book on dream interpretation.

...I continued to think about it. As I was tidying up the place, there was a light knock on the door.


My voice stuttered, as we were just talking about Kasai-san a moment ago. I couldn't help but feel like I was in a flutter.

"Huh? You're alone?" the girl asked.


Her eyes swept through the room.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, come in, come in."

"Thank you. ...What are you doing?"

"As a good-for-nothing, I'm just arranging documents here while looking over the equipment."

"How unlucky."

Once again I noticed that Kasai-san was sitting in a strange position.


What a strange thing to say.

"So how're things going?"

"―Well, it's weird. Shibuya-san seems to think our medium's having problems," I said.

"I'm different though. Naru—Shibuya-san, is also different. He's a ghost hunter," I clarified.

"Heh, cool."

I looked blankly ahead. Come to think of it, no one has ever asked me what a "ghost hunter" was.

Oh yeah, Kasai-san has some psychic abilities herself so she must comprehend some of those strange things.

"...But, he might actually be an Onmiyouji. Ah, I'm not admiring him or anything, but it's true," I continued.
Note: Onmiyouji are spell casters. They use healing energy to vanquish demons and ghosts. They can cast both good and bad spells.
Kasai-san whistled.

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