Untitled Part 16

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Ghost Hunt Novel Volume 3 Chapter 6 part 1September 18th, 2020Ghost Hunt Novel Volume 3 Chapter 6 part 1
Translated by Hermina05 from Ruthless Nights Scans on September 18, 2020.
Not proofread.

Chapter 6 - Spellcaster


After burning the dolls, we returned to the office to wait for Lin-san's call. He returned the next day.
We looked at Lin-san and asked.
"Where's Naru?"
"He will be hospitalized for a while."
My legs felt week suddenly.
"Hospitalized?! Is it that bad?! Why? Is it my fault? He really did hurt himself? Was it his shoulder?!"
I said but Lin-san looked at me seriously.
"It's just anemia."
He answered quietly but his face darkened.
"He eats very little."
That must be it...
"When he works, he forgets to eat and sleep."
However, I still think it was my fault...
"Can we see him?"
Masako asked anxiously. Lin-san looked at his watch.
"He should be awake."
I got up at once.

Naru was taken to a fairly large emergency hospital near the school. In the medical ward, he had a luxurious private room. There was no name written on the name tag at the door. The only sign there read 'No Visitors'. Masako made a face when she saw it.
"This was a request."
Lin-san said.
Is that so?
Inside, Naru was dressed in a hospital gown and he was in the middle of getting IV fluids. This is the first time I saw him wearing anything other than black.
Ah, I'm sorry... for involving you in my clumsiness.
There was a file in his left hand. He seemed to be looking through it during the infusion.
He really is a workaholic... That's why his body gave out.
"How are you...?"
We gathered around the bed.
"I'll live. Bou-san, what about the hitogatas?"
And back to work.
"As you instructed, we burnt them and threw the ashes in the river. Is this all right?"
Naru nodded and closed the file. Bou-san pulled up a chair.
"The only remaining problem is that we don't know who the culprit is."
"I have an idea about that..."
Naru's voice was fairly confident.
"Hey! Really?!"
Bou-san asked surprised.
Naru turned to look at the white sheets.
"I will meet the culprit and take care of it. The case is closed. Good job..."
Bou-san looked at Naru's face.
"So, you won't tell us who it is?"
"It's not your concern."
"Hey, hey! At least I have a right to know since I was officially asked to take this case."
When Bou-san talked, Ayako suddenly exclaimed.
"I want to know too! I worked hard on this case! I have a right to know who the culprit is."
Naru looked at everyone as he pondered.
The silence was telling him that everyone was thinking the same. Even John.
Long silence.
"... Everyone except Bou-san... please leave the room."
Naru said finally. The answer was a clear 'no'.
"Hey, Naru!"
It was Ayako who protested first.
There was a knock on the door of the hospital room. Naru looked at me and I stood to open it.
When I opened it, I found Taka, Kasai-san and Ubusuna-sensei standing there.
Why are they here...?
"Naru... Taka and Kasai-san..."
"Let them in. I called them here."
Naru said from his bed.
Naru... called them?
"Also, Ubusuna-sensei is here."
When I said that, Naru's eyes widened a little.
What's wrong...?
Ubusuna-sensei was holding a bouquet of pure white flowers.
"Should I not have come? I'll leave then."
The teacher smiled.
"I just heard that Shibuya-san fell ill and wanted to pay a visit..."
After she said that, she looked at the 'No Visitors' sign at the door.
"I didn't know about this. I'm sorry. Anyway, here..."
The teacher raised the small bouquet of orchids.
She came all the way here...
I looked at Naru and he nodded.
Please come in."
I wonder what's going on. Naru seems strangely tense.

Ghost Hunt Vol #3Where stories live. Discover now