☆ Chapter Eleven ☆

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What a beautiful day. The birds were singing happily, the warm breeze danced through open curtains, and...

Kokichi was pissed.

After that night, he had no idea where Shuichi went. Also, he noticed one of his top guards were missing as well.

But that's no surprise to Kokichi. Rantaro was one of his own personal guards, and he sent him after Shuichi, with a tracking camera.

 A 'rescue' mission per say. Of course, a bit of planning was involved. Sure, Kokichi may have went a bit overboard with Shuichi that night, and maybe... messed up the plan a little bit (also delaying Kokichi's hopes of him becoming his groom), but now, the purple haired boy could do nothing but wait for Rantaro's signal.

Then, everything would be okay. Everything would be just great. Just fine.

...Are words Kokichi would tell himself  every passing day.

The prince would stroll through the spacious empty halls of the castle for hours on end, pacing around restlessly, biting his nails out of habit. He would be lying if he said he wasn't anxious, but lying is what the prince is notorious for, so who would care?


Shuichi woke up with a start. He felt cold water seeping into his clothing, to which he sat up hastily and screeched, getting up, and twisting himself around, now awake with alarm, only to be settled by Rantaro, who was giving him a closed-eye wave, holding a bucket in his hands.

The blue haired male frowned, earning a small chuckle from Amami.


"Morning... uh...?" Rantaro set down the bucket and perked an eyebrow at Shuichi.

"Ah, Shuichi. But, you can call me Shu, if you want." He replied, shivering from the cold water Rantaro poured onto him, as a poor wake-up call.

Rantaro smiled and took off his uniform's jacket with struggle, before tossing it to Shuichi, who caught it just barely.

Shuichi mumbled a shy 'thank you' before putting on the jacket, feeling a warm chill spread throughout his body. The jacket smelt like Amami. It was comforting... in a strange way? He felt safe in the jacket.


Kokichi felt like he was about to lose his mind all over again. Every single expression Shuichi has shown towards Rantaro was ridiculous to him. It was sick. He felt disgusted. Grossed out. 

This bubbling anger was growing the longer he watched the footage from the tracking camera. How happy Shuichi looked when given Amami's jacket made him go soft, imagining if it was with himself, and him only. A sense of protectiveness and selfishness washed over Kokichi.

He felt warm and cold. Two conflicting feelings.

Not for Amami though. 

He wanted this boy for himself. It was clear to see, and Rantaro was clearly testing his limits. Pushing them, even. Kokichi let a low growl escape from his lips before slamming both fists on the table with a loud scream.

It stung. It hurt so bad. He continued slamming his fists into the table, embracing the pain that infested his hands. It felt good to hurt. He wanted to do the same thing to Amami. Make him feel all the pain he was receiving himself.

Oma finally stopped, when his fists were battered and bloodied, keeping his lead low before slowly lifting it, an enraged expression clouding his judgement.

He loathed Amami. Wanted him out of the whole plan. He doesn't need Amami. Stupid pawn.

Why did it have to be that stupid male instead of him. Kokichi was a prince. He should be able to get anything he wants.

And some avocado was not about to steal Shuichi from him.

Not in a million years.

Kokichi giggled to himself, before pulling his sleeves over his aching hands, ignoring the pain, and relished it. He loved it. 

"I've made a choice then," He began speaking to himself, "I'll tell Amami to come and bring Shuichi back to the castle... And then, I'll have him come to me. But, of course, I won't make it easy." His purple eyes shone brightly with mischief and amusement, his lips curving into a smirk. 

"Let's have a final game of Hide and Seek, shall we?"

He finally finished, before cackling to himself, laughter filling the room.

"Boy, this'll be fun."


Kingdom AU -- Saiouma // Yandere!Kokichi x Shuichi SaiharaWhere stories live. Discover now