☆ Chapter Six ☆

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Before Shuichi could finish his sentence, Oma pressed his lips against his. 

At the same time, the door busted open, followed by marching and yelling. Shuichi was too focused on the prince to say anything, and he felt a hand on his chest pinning him to the wall in front of Kokichi. His face grew warmer with each second the kiss lasted.

Kokichi had a big smirk on his face and didn't pay any attention to the guards who bust into the room. They cocked their guns and pointed it all around the room until they finally spotted Shuichi and the prince. 

"My Prince?" One of the guards spoke lowly, lowering their weapon. Kokichi broke from the kiss and stared into Shuichi's eyes for another moment with a satisfied expression, before turning his head to the guard who spoke up with an annoyed tone. 

"There's something called privacy! Get out before I have dad cut off all your heads... one... by one!"  Oma exclaimed, but he didn't need to say it twice. The guards all frantically scrambled out of the room, closing the door. The sound of the footsteps retreated down the hall, followed by terrified whines from the guards.

After a couple more moments of silence, Shuichi gulped, his eyes practically pinned to Kokichi. He wanted an explanation. He had so many questions burning inside that he wanted Oma to answer. 

Like, why did he save Shuichi? Does Kokichi even remember Shuichi from the past? Why did Kokichi keep his gender a secret to the public---

Shuichi's thoughts, however, were broken by Kokichi's voice.

"Heeey? Mister Sitter, you listening?" Kokichi poked Saihara's cheek a couple of times before realizing he already had his attention.

"So you do remember me..."
Shuichi sighed. He didn't know if it was because of relief, or just some unknown feeling churning in his stomach.

Whatever it was, he didn't know how to express it clearly. I mean, he just got kissed by Kokichi. The prince! How was he supposed to feel?

Kokichi spun around and kicked his princess disguise to the side, before beginning to walk out of the room. Shuichi quickly went to go after him, but tripped on his own footing and fell face first to the floor, his cuffs jingling as he fell. He groaned and looked up. Kokichi stopped and stared back at him. A teasing look went upon his face.

"You're already falling for me, Shuichi~? I'm very flattered! Don't tell me... you've accepted my offer?" Kokichi spoke to the male on the floor with a closed eye smile.

"You're offer? Oh-- you mean getting married---? I- That wasn't what I was going to ask, Kokichi..." Shuichi sighed and sat up on his knees, still looking up to the purple haired prince.

"Awwwh... man! Fine.. what is it you were going to ask then, Saihara-chan?" Kokichi crouched down to his level and cupped his face with one hand, staring lovingly into his eyes. Shuichi slightly shrank away, but held his gaze.

Shuichi cleared his throat and began to speak.

Kingdom AU -- Saiouma // Yandere!Kokichi x Shuichi SaiharaWhere stories live. Discover now