☆ Chapter Three ☆

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I heard a voice speak up from in front of me. I lifted my head hesitantly and peered up at the princess. She was still as beautiful from the moment I looked at her a couple of seconds ago.

She happened to be staring... at me... again.

"Don't kill the one with blue hair. In fact, stand up. State your name for me."

I was in disbelief and fear. I looked around at the people slumped down next to me, and their eyes happened to be on me as well. I stared back at them, confused, and heart racing. Not knowing what to do.

I felt another cold hand touch my arm, and shove me upwards, to my feet. I stumbled forward and stood there, looking at the princess in awe.

She perked an eyebrow at me, waiting.

I cleared my throat and spoke up.

"S-Shuichi Saihara---"

I got cut off by the princess. She stood up with an unreadable expression and grabbed my hand. Well... more like she grabbed the cuff surrounding my hand, and dragged me away to a door. I looked at the back of her head in confusion and turned my head back. The guards also seemed confused.

The princess suddenly stopped and glared at me with a smile before turning to the guards still in the room, awaiting command.

"Kill the rest of these nasty prisoners. I don't care! Or do I...? Neeheee~!" 

With that, she dragged me out of the room. I followed along, shutting my eyes tight as I heard blood-curdling screams in our wake.

Kingdom AU -- Saiouma // Yandere!Kokichi x Shuichi SaiharaWhere stories live. Discover now