☆ Chapter One ☆

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The clock's chime grew closer with each threatening tick of the clock on the far right of this dirty cell filled to every edge with prisoners.

Then, finally. The moment that brought dread to anyone who heard it.

Ding.... Ding.... Ding...!

The moment that followed, was a cell opening. It was followed by the barking of orders from guards, hustling the prisoners out of the cell, with brute force. No mercy taken upon anyone inside of the cell. This was the way things were though. This was normal... right?

I was one of the people inside of the cell, so I wouldn't know. 

Deep in thought, I immediately snapped out of it when I felt a cold hand touch my arm, and yank me up onto my feet. They yelled directly into my face and told me to follow the line of prisoners, marching downstairs, further into the dungeon. I wasn't used to being yelled at, so I felt tears swell in my eyes. I fidgeted with the cuffs around my hands, before I obeyed, following behind the line at the correct pace.

I heard screams ahead, but I didn't dare to lift my head, afraid of what would happen if I did do so.

Kingdom AU -- Saiouma // Yandere!Kokichi x Shuichi SaiharaWhere stories live. Discover now