☆ Chapter Two ☆

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Further down the stairs the line walked. It felt like hours until we finally reached our 'destination'.

We were shoved into a cold cobblestone room with a damp floor. 

"Heads down! Before the princess!"


I lifted my head, curiosity taking over me. I saw a purple haired maiden with beautiful pigtails sitting on a throne, with her legs crossed. Her lavender dress matched her stunning physique. Her eyes, one gold, and one purple, caught my eye. She was...

She was...

Staring right back at me.

I felt a smack against my head, and I yelped in pain and surprise, breaking eye contact with her. I felt another shove, and I fell onto my knees, keeping my head down.

I heard thumps beside me, so I assume they had all the other prisoners get down on their knees and have their heads down.

Then, I heard footsteps. Marching. And the sound of blades being drawn. I felt something cold and hard rest on my shoulder. I gulped and averted my eyes to whatever landed on my shoulder.

A blade.

My tears finally came out. I whimpered and sobbed in fear, but didn't say anything. I looked back to the floor and shut my eyes tight.

"Raise the blades!"

I heard them yell out. The blade got lifted off of my shoulder.

Kingdom AU -- Saiouma // Yandere!Kokichi x Shuichi SaiharaWhere stories live. Discover now