☆ Chapter Eight ☆

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"You can't be serious, Kokichi..." Shuichi stared at the purple-haired prince with wide eyes full of disbelief. But, the boy just stared right back in response. Completely silent. This wasn't like him.

Saihara's eyes nervously danced around the room, formulating in his mind some sort of escape if he needed it. There was no way that Kokichi could be serious! But... if he was... serious...

"Kokichi, we can't. You already know this. You're a prince. I'm just... just----" He looked up to Oma to see if he was understanding, but he was met with a bloodthirsty gaze of Kokichi, his face contorted with anger and something else that just set off his fight or flight senses. He felt unsafe. He needed to run.

Oma took a step closer since the taller boy had taken his eyes off of him. Shuichi yelped out of surprise and took a step back, hitting the wall behind him. He went to turn around and begin making a run for it, but he felt the shingles around his wrists begin to burn. Really bad.

Shuichi felt his wrists get shocked, and he winced in pain, getting completely distracted on running. His eyes averting down to the chains bounding his wrists together. His bruises now more noticeable more purple than his pale skin forming under where his hands were bound together. They'd been on his hands for over two months, ever since he got admitted into the prison, all the way up to now.

Speaking of now---

Oma took this opportunity to run full speed at Saihara with a devilish giggle, already claiming his victory, reaching out to grab the back of Shuichi's shirt with his gloved hand, but then Shuichi took off running again, biting the side of his cheek to stifle the pain down. He opened the door with a strained effort, almost getting caught by Kokichi again, and ran down the long corridor's hallway.

Saihara heard fast footsteps keeping up behind him, and he let out a hitched breath in disbelief as he turned his head to see how far back Kokichi was...

Or, more like, how far back he THOUGHT the price was. However, Oma was right behind him, with the same creepy smile, and drool dripping down his chin. He let out a satisfied moan when Saihara turned around with a frightened expression, his heart dropping with confusion.

What is going on with Kokichi?! His thoughts ran wild with questions that would remain unanswered as he pushed himself to move faster. He cursed under his breath and tried to get the shingles off of his wrists, but it rendered unsuccessful as he felt another controlled shock being sent directly into his hands. He bit down a shriek of pain.

He took a deep breath and shakily exhaled.

I need a plan... I need a plan... I need a plan! He screamed desperately in his own head trying to think of a plan to lose the agile, obsessed prince that was behind him.

"Oh... Saihara-Chan~! Come back... to me... I need youuu..." Oma called from behind him, reminding Shuichi of his existence, and snapping him back into reality. A prince. Chasing after him. During the afternoon.

Shuichi screamed out in pain and frustration, deciding to not even think. Just do SOMETHING to hide from Kokichi!

He began running faster, sharply turning a corner, and spotted a table. This must be the dining hall. Saihara had no time to admire the beautiful features of the hall in all of its glory, and quickly dived under the table, trying to be as silent as a mouse. His heart pounded violently against his chest as silence filled the room.

Saihara breathed out in relief. He had finally lost Kokic----


His heart dropped and his anxiety rose. His eyes danced around the room, trying to locate where the purple-haired boy was in the room.

Finally, he spotted Kokichi's shoes. Walking calmly. Strolling across the dining room... No, wait.

Oma was waltzing across the dining room, humming a tune softly.

Shuichi's eyes filled with tears out of straight fear. His breaths came in, in wheezes in attempts to get air. His lungs were burning, his nose was burning. Everything hurt. His vision became cloudy with tears.

He heard Oma stop in the distance and turn towards the area he was hiding. He slowly raised both of his bounded hands up to his mouth, clamping them over it, a small jingle of the chains around his wrists signaled out, seeming to echo against the walls of the dining hall.

Kokichi giggled and began skipping around the room.

"How... about... we play... another game of Hide and Seek, Shumai~?" Shuichi felt a tear stream down his cheek as he lowered his hands and silently shook his head now, hoping that Kokichi didn't know where he was. Saihara cowered further under the table, watching the slim figure skip around, the sound of his boots clinking against the wooden floor with a satisfying click.

Kokichi paused and looked around, or at least, that's what Shuichi saw through his clouded vision, tears practically pouring out of his eyes like there was no tomorrow. In fact, he didn't know if there was one. He saw something flash in his vision. Something fall to the floor. In drops.

Shuichi curiously leaned forward, squinting his eyes, trying to observe what it was. Kokichi was turned to the side, so it was hard to tell, honestly.

Was Kokichi... crying...?



Kingdom AU -- Saiouma // Yandere!Kokichi x Shuichi SaiharaWhere stories live. Discover now