MHA(KeigoTakamiXReader) Between His Feathers And My FingerTips 🍋🍋🍋

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Wattpad disclaimer
(( This story is rated MA  18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too  I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))

I smiled tapping my foot against the desk as I sat in the leather black rolling chair . " What are you doing here Dabi ?~" I tilted my head back to see him walking in .

Dabi: You know what I'm doing here but I could ask you the same thing (Y/n).

I smiled and turned around standing up to walk up to him holding a red feather in my hand . " I want to see Hawks again I bet he'd be fun to play with .~"

He smirked and grabbed the feather from my hand .

Dabi : As a villain it worries me about the obsession you have with him .

" mm well Toga is still chasing Izuku Midoriya plus what can I say once I get a taste of something I want it's hard not to want more .~"

My quirk manifest memories in a person brain I can make them remember things that never happened but that's not the case with Keigo we go waaay back .

Hawks : Hey Hey , my ears are burnin someone talking about me .

I smiled seeing red wings and fluffy untamed blonde hair .

Hawks : Hey yo !~ Dabi I didn't think you would bring (Y/n)..Heeey.~

Dabi: I didn't have a choice.. she came for you.

Hawk : Oh yeah well what did I do to deserve such a lucky break .~

" Who better to help you recruit hero's with a bad track record ?~ Plus what can I say the number 2 has my mind on him twenty four seven .~"

Dabi watched us make eyes at each other as we went over plans for the next attack , I could tell he was getting agitated from us hardly noticing he was there .

Dabi : You two are pissing me off , do me a favor fuck and get it over with so we can get back to important shit , I'll be back in an hour it gives you two to straighten your minds and I can do some real villain work .

Hawks: Hmm I could use a stress reliever.~

He rolled his eyes and lit a cigarette with his finger walking away from us . The door closed and Keigo held up a finger to silence me .. he waited until the vibrations from the feather Dabi was holding to fade away .

Hawks : Nice job getting him to take the feather Kid .~

" Keigo how much longer do I have to keep up this game , if it wasn't for my quirk I'm sure I would have been caught by now ." I frowned opening the door to make sure everything was clear .

Hawks : I know what you're saying but you are doing great , Dabi still suspects that I'm not on the team but you he trusts he has no clue that the memories we share are real and it helps that he thinks you are using your quirk on me .

" That's true .. he hopes that our relationship will give me an all access pass to your secrets .~"

He smiled and put his hand on my waist , the simple touch sent shivers up my skin god it's been so long since I've seen him .~

Hawks: Oh but you do baby bird you know all of my secrets .~ All but one ..~

I smiled slightly licking my lips as his got closer to mine . " Tell me if you choose .~"

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя