MHA(DabiXFemReader) F***** Good , Persuaded Bad .🌶🌶🌶

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(( This story is rated MA  18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too  I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))


I've known , since the moment I saw him causing numerous problems on television I know exactly who he is .. I can't bring myself to turn him in ..

Someone who I once knew well , someone I loved ten years ago I was pulled away from the one person I stayed by I thought he died in a freak accident but when I saw those eyes , eyes that I looked into so many times I knew exactly who they belonged to .. "Touya..."

I sighed quietly and entered the door to my apartment .. he is someone who is different than who he was but somehow I don't care that he is a villain my heart wept when I saw that he was alive , I'm not a villain..I'm not even a hero I'm someone who got lucky enough to have a mother that met Rei Todoroki and become good friends making me and her son side by side since birth ..

I quickly took off my shoes and walked into my dark apartment setting my bag on the counter . It took about 2 whole minutes to realize I did not have to unlock my door and it was definitely locked when I left this morning .. is someone in here .. I reached forward sliding a knife out of the knife block and quietly walked around .. my foot stepped onto the carpet of my small living room and a singular light was on a blue one .. " F-Fire..?" I squeezed the knife in my hand and reached over quickly turning the light on .

?: bout time you're home I've been waiting forever (Y/n)..~

I gasped quietly realizing exactly who this was " T-Touya!" I yelled out stepping closer .

Dabi: i guess I don't have to make a big reveal .. I should have know you'd be the one to figure out who I was first .

Tears started filling up my eyes and my emotions were all over the place , I walked up to him quickly and shoved him " HOW COULD YOU KEEP ME GRIEVING FOR SO LONG !!!" I don't care if he's a villain he's more than that he always was ..

" Where have you been that was so much more important than telling me you didn't die that day !?"

Dabi: You know where I've been .. you've actually probably seen me on T.V .

" I know that your a villain I've known since the report on the USJ attack .. Touya .-"

Dabi: Okay I've had about enough .. you need to stop calling me that Touya did die that day I'm Dabi now and I've never been happier !!

" If you are not Touya then why did you come here to kill me ?" I glared at him ."

Dabi : Maybe I did I've been able to cut my ties with everything from my past life .. everyone as well except for you .

I've already yelled at him my anger has seemed to fizzle away and now I'm just crying for one reason .. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his burying my face into his chest while I hugged him tight , " I'm just glad you're not dead .." I whispered

It's like he froze his hands didn't set down anywhere in me as I hugged him but he didn't push me away I wonder why that could be .

Dabi : Are you stupid I just said I could have came here to kill you and you're hugging me what the hell !?

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Where stories live. Discover now