Black Clover (YamiSukeheroXFemReader) Right Moves .~🍋🌶🍋

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(( Sorry for the long wait everyone been having some me time to better my mental health and writing when I can to give y'all a few chapters when I can up next is a surprise part 2 please be patient with me I love all my readers and enjoy seeing your comments views and votes <3 ))

Wattpad disclaimer
(( This story is rated MA  18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too  I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))

" Nm A-Ah!~" I moaned quietly as my hands were placed together above my head and my legs were raised higher until my knees were practically pressed against my chest . " F-Fuck.." I groaned painfully placing my hand on my dates chest attempting to push him off . " No that's all w-wrong move ."

Man : No this is great it f-feels great !~

" Get off of me or I swear I'll break your shit right off !" I extended my legs pushing him away from me forcefully pushing him out of me in the process .

Man: What's wrong I was about to cum ?

" What's wrong ? I don't care , idiot do I look like a fucking bendy straw !?" I yelled moving off of my bed picking his clothes up off the floor shoving them into his arms .

Man: Baby stop freaking out for a minute and relax we'll try another position.~

" No fucking way , red flag I said it was wrong move and you didn't take that seriously do you know where you are ? Get the hell out of here before there's a problem .

I scowled at him pulling my sheet over my body opening my bedroom door .

Man: Hold on let me get dressed .

" No. This is great ." I snapped quietly placing my hand on his back giving him a push out of my room while he placed his clothes over his shrinking manhood .

He was finally out of sight and now all I could see was Captain Yami Walking behind him with a cigarette in his mouth , he turned to me and his eyes very obviously gave me a once over before He pointed ahead of him and spoke up .

Yami : Is that a problem ?

" Hm not anymore just a stain on my night that's all ." I shrugged finally looking down to see I was still mostly exposed only the important parts were covered by the hanging sheet . " Ah sorry , I'll see you in the morning Night Captain Yami ."

Yami : Mhm night and (Y/n).. remember the location of the hideout changes frequently he might not know how to get home .

" Oh yeah good point .. is it wrong to say oh well .." I sighed and placed my free hand on my forehead . " I'll deal with it ."

Yami : Don't worry about it.. I suppose I'll take care of it this time but I think it's time to shut the door and get dressed right ?

He smiled slightly starting to walk away towards my failed date . " Damn it ." I sighed not surprised by my lack of attention and stepped back into my room closing the door . " I'm just going to get dressed and go to bed ."

I can't believe Yami witnessed that how embarrassing..

*3rd person POV*

Yami : Hey , you.. you wanna get home let me get you my wheels Ahh well get dressed first you look weird man .

Man : I bet I do.. hey thanks , women you know they're fucking crazy one minute they act like they want it and another they telling you to stop .

Yami's head turned away from him getting lost in his own thoughts while (Y/n)'s hook up hurried to put some clothes on .

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Where stories live. Discover now