MHA (Shota AizawaXFemReader) A look in my future 🍋🍋🍋

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(( This story is rated MA  18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too  I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))

" Alright enough fooling around , Mr Aizawa is expecting good grades on these test when he gets back !" I yelled silencing the loud chatter .

Tenya Iida : Excuse me Miss.(Y/L/N) is Mr. Aizawa okay he was here before ?.

"His quirk was needed for a mission , but before he left he told me those who fail the test get homework for the weekend ."

DenkiKaminari: Whhhat !? That's not fair .

" Then do your best Kaminari , all of you can do this focus real hard so you can have a much deserved weekend." I smiled as I sat down at the desk.. This isn't the first time I've sat in for Aizawa in class but it has me worried that he's not back already he said he'd be back before they had to test and in case he wasn't to go about the school day . I've known him since we went here , we didn't hang out or anything but once we got to college a singular project made me decided to be his friend there was a lot beneath his quiet and exhausted exterior..

I sighed looking down at my phone waiting for a response from him but nothing was coming in and I was anxious.. Aizawa and I are close I mean we spend every moment together .. we live together sure we're just roommates but to be honest my concern for him was more than just for a roommate and a friend , without him I probably wouldn't have became a teacher .. I would have been alone .. No Aizawa is just fine (Y/n) you're freaking out for nothing .. How am I supposed to focus right now when he's out there and I'm behind a desk I love all of these kids that is true but I've fought next to him for so long it felt wrong not being next to his side .

Class was almost over and I found myself looking down at my phone for most of it, I normally wasn't so anxious but with the League moving forward with their plans Heros had to be Ten steps ahead lately it's like we haven't had a break .. Aizawa's quirk is important when a villain figures out who he is he is usually the first to be attacked .. I was worried for him and time just slipped past me .

Iida: Ahem Miss (Y/L/N) I believe our time is up..?

" Oh yes you're correct pencils down ." I stood up quietly and prepared to take everyone's test from the seats in the very front . " I'm sorry everyone , it seems I've dazed off.. not to worry these test will be taken to Mr . Aizawa right away .. it was great to see you all again an email will be sent out by the morning on if you passed or not .. have a safe weekend !~" I smiled softly watching all of them leave quietly and sighed sitting down in the chair meant for my friend .

It was perfect timing as soon as the bell rang so did my phone I practically fell out of my chair quickly going through my bag for my phone , " He-." I sighed loudly pressing accept before placing the phone back to my ear . "Yes , Hello ... Hizashi have you heard from Shota ?"

I stood up quickly feeling my heart drop to my feet , " What , what do you mean he's at the hospital!!!"

Hizashi calmed me down assuring me that he was In no risk but he was injured.. it seemed the target had snuck up on Shota and when he did apparently he could have killed him but instead he set off a mist aiming for his eyes , his most important asset in our line of work .. " Wait but his goggles it couldn't go through that?.. He got the jump on him that much enough to hit him that hard ...?"

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Where stories live. Discover now