Naruto (Sasuke UchihaXFemReader) Saddening Eyes to a loving touch 🍋🍋🍋

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(( This story is rated MA 18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))

" Easy now you have blood all over you.." I spoke softly using a wet rag to clean the blood off this strangers face . He wore a straight looking face with eyes so dark they shared a sadness to them , " Can you speak?" I asked wiping the dried streak of blood that ran down his forehead .


" Your wounds have been tended too however I can't find the source of the bleeding to your head .."

?: It's not my blood .

He pushed away my hand and lifted his head off my bed .. " I see , Well I'm glad you are okay .. I've washed and dried your clothes they are hanging near the door if you would like to get dressed in your regular clothes I will get them for you if you wish to leave ." I stood up calmly placing the blood stained rag back in the bucket I had prepared with water .

?: Are you a ninja?

I smiled and shook my head, " No I'm not .. death and war is not my strong suit .. I prefer helping others ." He scoffed quietly and looked at me well more of a glare .

?: You choose to help me when I just told you the blood on me wasn't my own , and you're not protected at all bringing a stranger in your house ? Being as foolish as you are there's no way you're a ninja .

" Foolish? I wouldn't say that , I may not be protected but do you consider people that show others kindness to be foolish ."

?: Kind people die .

" Yes you are correct but in that sense so do hateful people , everyone's life ends at some point I like to spend the life I live holding out my hand instead of holding a weapon ." I smiled softly and kindly bowed to him before walking to the door . " I will gather your things ."  When I came back to the room he was sitting with his head looking down completely silent at that time all I could think was hateful or kind this guy was hurting.. he was hurting in a way that was hard to explain based on no knowledge of who he was .. " Ahem Here are your clothes .. and your sword , I don't know your preference in food but there's a box here I went ahead and made some rice balls for your journey."

?: What's your name ?

" Well , normally it's more common to tell someone your own name before asking theirs . My name is (Y/n)." I introduce myself quietly placing his belongings next to him , " I don't know what happened to you because of that you do not have to tell me your name , but as selfish as it sounds in return for helping you.. I have no clue if you yourself are kind or hateful but regardless will you see to that this village stays peaceful before your departure? There are few people here but most of them are elderly and children so they cannot fight back."

?: Hmph your village has nothing I want.. harming anyone wouldn't benefit me in anyway besides that there is no reason for me to harm anyone here, unless they have done something to harm me .

" That's good to know , I'll let you get dressed now thank you for listening to me ."I left again getting back to what I was doing before several minutes passed before the door opened and he walked out of the room dressed and holding his shoes in his hands . " Look at that you look much better without all those dirty cuts and scrapes .."

?: I'm leaving now .

" Wait you forgot your food !" I rushed to grab the box putting it in his hand looking at his face in a last attempt to memorize his face. He took the box and walked to my front door sliding on his shoes and opening the door to leave but something made him stop and he turned his head to look toward me .

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Where stories live. Discover now