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I'm so unexperienced when it comes to these things, but before I knew it I put you on the highest pedestal I could. I hold so much admiration, even envy for the way you persevere and so easily express your intentions. You are innovative and reliable. I can't help, but hold on to the thought of standing there beside you, hand in hand, as our true selves. 

If I showed you all the sides to me would you still see me the same? Support me as a partner? Would you cry for me? I want to know. Yet, the world has always been too unfair to my fragile heart... So, even when I hold on to the tiniest bit of hope,  I'll let it be crushed just as the emotions within go numb. At least then we can smile for Paris. Smile for one day this will be over. 

I don't want it to end. It's traumatizing having to fight such evils. I wish I understood the reasoning behind hawkmoths attacks. What does any villain have to justify such evils? Nothing at all. All they do is spread their pain. I pose as a hero, but that's far from the truth. We are just a couple of kids trying our best to save ourselves. 

This is an outlet for me.. The only place I can actually be myself. Is it selfish of me to hope that it doesn't end? That one day I'll have to say goodbye to my love. The one I admire so much. I know I will hold on to these memories for as long as my brain allows me to do so. I can only hope Plagg gets another supplier of Camembert when we separate. He's one who has also experienced so much pain from the destruction he's caused in others lives. Is it really my fault that everything I touch falls to ash? That it flies away from me as I reach for it? I think he'd understand the regrets held in ones heart. Hopefully, the day I am gone he will know he never had a hand in my own destruction. He built far more for me than I've ever had and that's all I could ever ask for. 

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